

Can you eat the skin on carrots?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Can you eat the skin on carrots?
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Related questions

What can carrots do to your skin?

they are healthy for your skin but if you eat to much you can turn yellow-orange

How come your skin turnes orange when you eat a lot of carrots?

Your skin can turn orange by eating carrots if you have eaten over the daily recommended value. Your body can no longer absorb/store the vitamin A from the carrots and it shows up in your skin.

What happens when humans eats too many carrots?

if you eat WAY to many carrots your skin CAN turn orange

What can you eat to make your skin tone lighter?

carrots/ ripened papaya

Is it only pregnant women that have a glow to their skin?

No, you can eat carrots and have the same glow:)

Can skin be orange?

Spots of you can get orange if you eat to much of something orange likes carrots if not then NO.

Do rabbits eat carrots?

Yes, rabbits do eat carrots.

Do moose eat carrots?

No, moose do not eat carrots.

What harm can be to humans eating carrots?

If you eat too many carrots, your skin can turn orange and you may pass gas. The chances of humans being harmed by eating carrots as part of a balanced, healthy diet are very, very slim. but they are very rich in Vitamin A, so you would not want to eat only carrots.

Do reindeer eat carrots?

Yes they do eat carrots

Is it dangerous to eat carrots every day?

Depends on how many. A few will be OK, but if you eat whole handfuls daily it can actually affect your skin tone.

What vegetables makes your skin dark?

No vegetables change the color of your skin. However, if you eat a lot of carrots, sometimes your skin develops a glowing, orangy complexion. Or so I've heard.