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In simple terms, the theory of evolution by natural selection states that when

1. Animals produce slightly different offspring,

2. The differences are inherited by their offspring,

3. Animals produce slightly more offspring than can comfortably subsist with their niche,

4. The differences affect their chances of reproduction, so competition exists between different offspring, whether directly or indirectly,

Then traits that give these animals a reproductive advantage will increase their frequency in the population; more animals in subsequent generations will have these traits.

The result of this over many generations is that animals will change in appearance and behaviour, and ultimately, that populations in animals may divide into different branches, each evolving along their own path to form distinct new species.

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Q: Can you explain the theory of evolution?
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Who created the modern theory of evolution?

There are several theories to explain evolution, though evolution itself is not a theory. Perhaps the best known is Darwin's theory through natural selection.

Does intelligent design challenge the theory of evolution?

No. Intelligent Design is not a viable theory since it does not explain all of the steps nor provide any evidence to substantiate its claims. As a result, the Theory of Evolution remains unchallenged by it.

Does the Theory of Evolution attempt to explain the origin of life?

The theory of evolution by natural selection.No, as however life came about the fact that it evolves is observed and observable and natural selection would still be one of the main drivers of evolution and the only driver of adaptive change.

What are the differences between Darwin's theory of evolution and conflicting theories?

It is no longer Darwin's theory, as Darwin has been dead about 130 years. There are no credible alternatives to the modern theory of evolution by natural selection. So, the differences is; the theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and explains the natural phenomenon that is evolution very well. The " conflicting theories " have no evidence supporting them and explain nothing.

How does Darwin's theory of evolution explain microevolution but not macroevolution?

Those terms need to be done away with. There is no such division in the theory of evolution by natural selection, even in Darwin's time. There is evolution and speciation. One flows seamlessly into the other over time and we have myriad pieces of evidence supporting this.

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Are there other theories that explain the same event as evolution theory?

No, there are no other theories but the theory of evolution by natural selection that explain so much about evolution.

Who created the modern theory of evolution?

There are several theories to explain evolution, though evolution itself is not a theory. Perhaps the best known is Darwin's theory through natural selection.

How does anatomy explain evolution?

It doesn't. Evolution is explained by population genetics, evolutionary theory.

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the theory of evolution

How might the theory of evolution be used by scientists in their studies?

to explain the relationship

What can the theory of evolution by natural selection explain about a population?

How it can change in response to its enviroment

What does Darwin theory of evolution explain?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. It explains evolution; the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Why organisms change over time in differing environments.

Does intelligent design challenge the theory of evolution?

No. Intelligent Design is not a viable theory since it does not explain all of the steps nor provide any evidence to substantiate its claims. As a result, the Theory of Evolution remains unchallenged by it.

Who gave the theory of evolution?

There is no " theory of evolution " as evolution is a fact. The theory is; the theory of evolution by natural selection and explains much about the fact of evolution. Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace come up with the theory of evolution by natural selection, though natural selection is a phrase coined by Darwin.

What theory has been used to explain the pattern of rapid evolution that often occurs after a mass extinction event?

The theory of rapid evolution rather than over a very long time.

Why are Charles Darwins' ideas so important?

He proposed a theory that attempts to explain why and the fact of evolution works.It is, so far, the best and most accurate theory that adequately explains why evolution happens.

What was the big bang theory mostly about?

The big bang theory explain the creation of everything. It gives the explanation of beginning of our universe and it's evolution