

Can you fall pregnant while having your menstruation?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Yes you can. It is comparatively rare but it can happen.

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Q: Can you fall pregnant while having your menstruation?
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What if i got my period can i be preg?

If you're asking this question then you shouldn't be having sex. Obviously if you're menstruating you cannot be pregnant, menstruation will only occur if you didn't fall pregnant.

Can you be perganant when you on your period and having very painful abdmonial pains?

Obviously you cannot be pregnant if you're menstruating - menstruation occurs when you don't fall pregnant. If sexually active you need to learn about your cycles and how conception occurs.

Would you fall pregnant during your period?

No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

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What you do when you are having anal sex has nothing to do with getting pregnant. so long as no semen gets into the vagina then on into the uterus you wont get pregnant . having a tampon in also has nothing to do with it.

Can you get pregnant the day after your menstruation goes off even if your not ovulating at that time?

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant directly after menstruation. If your cycle is especially short you may ovulate the day after your period, certainly you may be fertile during this time so could fall pregnant.

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Which specific layer of the uterus is shed during menstruation approximately every 28 days?

The layer of the uterus that is shed during menstruation, approximately every 28 days, is the endometrium - this is the spongy mucosal tissue that develops after ovulation under the influence of progesterone to support the fertilised egg should a woman fall pregnant, if the woman doesn't fall pregnant then the endometruim becomes unstable and sheds aka menstruation.

After you have had your tubes tied can you fall pregnant?

No, you can not get pregnant after having it done. Remember, once done this can not be undone.

Can you fall pregnant day 5 of my period?

It's biologically impossible to fall pregnant during menstruation, you can however become pregnant as a result of sex during your period as sperm can live up to a week, by which time you may ovulate. Unless you want to become pregnant you should always use birth control.

Can you fall pregnant having no kidneys?

Yes but you would not be able to keep it.

Can you fall pregnant after a miscarriage without having your next period?

Oh yes, you can get pregnant right away after.

What is the percent probability to have menstruation during pregnancy?

The percentage of women getting pregnant during menstruation is exactly 0% - it's biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation as there is no egg present for sperm to fertilise. It is however possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation as although there is no egg it is possible for a woman to have fertile quality cervical mucus present, this can allow sperm to live for up to a week and by that time she may have ovulated. There are no figures on how many women get pregnant this way, it would be impossible to keep track of those sort of figures.