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Most African dwarf frogs do not eat vegetables, because they are meat eaters. You can try feeding them a little lettuce or some peas. You can also feed them a little bit of seafood you have left over from your own meals. I own 2 African dwarf frogs and soon after I brought them home, they stopped eating. I fed them lettuce and fish, they were fine.

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Q: Can you feed a African dwarf frog vegetables?
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Is it all right to feed an African dwarf frog crickets?

No, it is not alright to feed an African Dwarf frog crickets. African Dwarf Frogs diet consist of, live guppy fry, bloodworm, dried krill or shrimp and tadpole bites.

Why can't you feed your African dwarf frog fish food?

African Dwarf Frogs need to be fed bloodworms, or brineshrimp once every few days.

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African Dwarf Frogs spread from tropical, to subtropical areas.

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Is a African Dwarf Frog an Invertebrate?

No, it is not. African dwarf frogs are amphibians, which are vertebrates.

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Snakes and Birds

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Can there be more than one frog in the same tank?

What type of frog? African Dwarf Frog: yes.

Can an African dwarf frog go into accoma?

No, I do not believe any frog can fall into a coma.

How does an African Dwarf Frog protect itself?

They use there claws