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Yes but its not the best. A varied diet should be fed to them. Check out whats available at the pet shops. The important thing is (like most living things) they need their food fresh rather than rotten.

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Q: Can you feed pictus catfish goldfish flake food?
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I feed mine goldfish flakes

What should you feed my catfish in my goldfish aquarium?

be careful the cat fish doesn't eat the goldfish if you have any and feed it feeder fish fish flakes or maybe even fiddler crabs. my catfish ate them

Can spotted salamanders eat goldfish flake food?

Yes they can i feed mine gold fish food

Can you feed glass catfish flake food?

You can, but you should first soak it for a few minutes before feeding it to the catfish. They also eat small worms and brine shrimp.

Can you feed a goldfish frozen peas?

I feed my catfish macaroni, frozen peas should be fine for a catfish. If the fish cant swallow something, generally it cant fit it in its mouth. Plus, they swim in their own feces, vegetables won't harm it.

Can catfish be put with goldfish?

Cats can and will eat your fishy friends. It is always a good idea to keep fish bowls and aquariums. Fish occasionally like to jump out of their homes. Yes, catfish can and will eat goldfish, and any other fish smaller than they are.

Can a Cory catfish eat frozen brine shrimp?

Yes, you may feed your catfish brine shrimp,aswell as premium high quality flake food. Consult the Net. for complete care infirmation.

How do you feed goldfish?

best to do flake or pellets food feed 3 times a day do how many about 2 or 3 per goldfish not too much. Do tropical or goldfish food to feed goldfish. They need cold water or as warm as tropical fish in degrees. You can put tropical with goldfish.You can put goldfish outside in a pond. WARNING! DON'T PUT TROPICAL IN POND OUTSIDE OR THEY WILL DIE! I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When do you feed goldfish?

your fish need to be fed 2-3 times a day. if your fish doesn't eat every thing in five minutes the take rest food out with goldfish net. but i feed my goldfish 1-2 times a day and their food that i give them is SUPA goldfish flake food or i give them goldfish pallets.

Can a goldfish eat saltwater fish food?

Yes, goldfish will enjoy snacking on the kinds of treats intended for saltwater fish because saltwater fish foods contain more nutrients. However it is still best to feed a goldfish a regular goldfish flake/pellet diet, therefore only occasionally treating it to saltwater fish food.

Do Albino Catfish and Goldfish get along?

Yes they are! This is because goldfish and catfish eat different food stuffs and have different behaviors/ habits. Catfish like to hide out around/ under objects and mostly eat food from the bottom of your fishtank. Catfish eat the algae in your tank and will need supplementary food [expensive] before it is all gone not just because of starvation but because they also need other minerals and proteins. Goldfish are passive creatures and will not harm the catfish. Gold fish often come up to where you feed them, which is usually right at the very top waterline. Try a similar sized catfish or two [like a bristlenose] to your goldfish and don't put more fish in than the number that will fit end to end over your tanks long side.

What is ocean flake?

A ocean flake is faeces from fish above. Some deep sea fish feed on this.