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This is very difficult to answer. Some women just know when they first become pregnant and feel different, but there is no physical proof that the way you're feeling is pregnancy related.

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Q: Can you feel pregnant in a week?
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What does the stomach feel like when you are 1 week pregnant?

I do not think you can really feel it until more time has passed.

Is feeling weak a sign of pregnancy?

If your body is lacking in iron, then you will feel week when you are pregnant.

What does your body feel like 5 weeks pregnant?

You may not even feel (or possibly even know) that you are 5 weeks pregnant. You don't usually find out you are pregnant until the fourth week because the fourth week of pregnancy is the week that you would miss your expected period. So by week 5 you may possibly start feeling some morning sickness or noticing some changes in your breasts (such as tenderness/swolleness or different colorization in your nipples).

Is it possible to get pregnant at 1 week?

No clue as to what your questioning is asking,yeah you can have sex and be pregnant in a week,that means your a week pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you got your period a week early?

It's more likely that you had an irregular cycle but if you feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.

If your health is a week late are you pregnant?

if your health is a week late could you be pregnant.

I am only 1 week pregnant and i have feelin like bubbles at the bottom of your stomach what is this?

You see technically your not pregnant when it is a week cause it is just an egg although many woman say they feel symptoms as early as this! you see chances are you just need to fart or burb!

Do you feel restless during pregnancy?

i am 28wks pregnant and i feel very restless, iv been feeling like this for a week now. i feel like i don't know what to do with myself. i think it may be due to boredom

I have been on the implanon for 2 years but had it removed last week. i never had a period with it in and still haven't. since it's been removed i have been getting sick and can feel movement?

You won't feel movement from a pregnancy a week after having the implant removed. You could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test in a week or two.

What do you feel like when you are pregnant but dont know you are pregnant.?

The same as you always feel.

You feel like you are pregnant but you had your period for a week and 4 days?

if you do not normally have a period for this long and usually women don't you need to see a doctor as soon as you can.