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No... obsidian is volcanic glass and it is unstable over long periods of geologic time. The rocks in northern GA are too old, any obsidian would have long ago chemcial broken down, and the rocks in southern GA formed during a period of GA history when there were not volcanoes.

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Q: Can you find obsidian in Georgia?
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Can you find obsidian and Missouri?

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Where is az can i find obsidian glass or rocks?

You'll find obsidian by volcanoes where the magma cooled ultra-quickly.

Where can you find obsidian in Indiana?

Type in "buy obsidian" in your search bar. You will be given information on several sources. Knappable obsidian sells for around $5 US per pound.

Where do you find obsidian in minecraft?

Obsidian is usually found in caves underground where flowing water hits still lava.

What countries or continents can you find obsidian?

Obsidian can be found in countries such as Mexico, the United States, Japan, Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Italy, Scotland, and Ethiopia. It is also present in various regions of continents like North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.

Where would you find obisidian?

You could find obsidian near a volcano.

Where is the obsidian in sims 2 castaway?

Once you build the stone hammer you go to the Dark Cave and you will find obsidian deposits.

Where does obsidian come from?

Obsidian is molten silica (read sand) which has cooled rapidly after a volcanic eruption into brittle glass and is the reason why it chips easily into blades. Iron and magnesium give obsidian its dark color.

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Any of the Lava Isles are where you can find obsidian chunks. There is no "best" place. Also, sometimes you can find them in the rock shops if another player has sold them recently.

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How can you get obsidian in minecraft pocket edition?

you could find a pool of lave place water then it turnes the lava to obsidian to get it you have to mine it up with a pickaxe

How do you find obsidian in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

make the nether reacter