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As of 2001[update], the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that yellow fever causes 200,000 illnesses and 30,000 deaths every year in unvaccinated populations.

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Q: Can you find yellow fever in the world today?
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Where do you find yellow fever?

typically you find it in third world countries, such as africa.

Find the meaning of yellow fever vaccine?

yellow fever vaccine

Where to find yellow fever vaccination center around kozhikode?

where i can get yellow fever vaccination centre in kannur

Where to get the yellow fever vaccination in India?

There are not many places to get the Yellow Fever vaccination in India. You must go to the most prestigious hospitals to find the vaccination.

How did yellow fever affect jobs?

Yellow fever causes dizziness, high temperature, body ache, and rashes

How many countries require yellow fever shots?

The number of countries in which a person (and some other animals) can get Yellow Fever is increasing. To find out if there is an exposure risk in a country or region of a country, check the CIA Report for the country in question

What happened to philadelphia after the yellow fever epidemic of 1793?

I don't know. Find another website.

What was the name of the American doctor who first traced yellow fever to mosquitoes?

Dr.Walter Reed discovered that yellow fever is carried by mosquitos

What Cause's yellow fever?

When you get bit by the mosquito that transmits it. (you can find this mosquito in the Amazon).

Should you go to a birthday party today if child had a fever last night?

Check their temperature again and find out.

What did Benjamin rush have to do with the yellow fever?

Benjamin Rush was a great and selfless man who actually treated patients with yellow fever in 1793. He was a physician who lived in Philadelphia. When the there was a yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia he worked tirelessly to care for patients and to prevent spread of the disease. He also kept detailed records of what he found out from the patients, hoping that his research might help find a cure.

What is a yellow fever treatment?

For yellow fever there is, like for all diseases caused by Flaviviruses, no causative cure. Hospitalization is advisable and intensive care may be necessary because of rapid deterioration in some cases. Different methods for acute treatment of the disease have been shown to not be very successful; passive immunisation after emergence of symptoms is probably without effect. Ribavirin and other antiviral drugs as well as treatment with interferons do not have a positive effect in patients.[10] A symptomatic treatment includes rehydration and pain relief with drugs like paracetamol. Acetylsalicylic acid (for example Aspirin) should not be given because of its haemodiluting effect, which can be devastating in the case of inner bleeding that can occur with yellow fever.