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Q: Can you finish this simile when I am happy I am like?
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"when you are tired, I am the pillow waiting to provide you comfort."

How can you finish the simile raining down on us like?

The similes are "raining like an open faucet" or "coming down like Niagara Falls." Another simile is "raining buckets." The familiar idiom is "raining cats and dogs."

Finish this simile When you are angry you are like?

a fierce, frightening tiger who will pounce on your prey when provoked.

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Can you finish this simile i need it for a friend

Is as happy as birds singing a simile?


Is happy go lucky a simile?


Is you felt on top of the world a simile?

No, "felt on top of the world" is not a simile. It is an idiom used to express feeling extremely happy or successful. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as," such as "as busy as a bee."

Simile anwer ''as happy as a..''?

as happy as a lark, clown, lady bug, etc.

What word finishes the simile as right as?

A simile is a comparison, so you can finish it any way you like. For example, you might say "as right as rain," which is an idiom meaning that something is all right or repaired correctly.