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no, they can crawl back out and live submerged underwater for up to 3 weeks

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Q: Can you flush a tick down the toilet to kill it?
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How do you get ticks off if they are attached?

You put a glob of liquid soap on the tick and wait for the tick to detach itself and then just wipe the tick away and dispose of it down the sink or toilet.

What should you do if you lost a tick in your room?

if you want to get a tick of don't kill it when its on you ! after you get it of kill it and check for any left behind legs in your skin .

Your dog has a black legged deer tick what do you do?

kill it

I have a tick how do I get it off?

To remove a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. After removal, clean the area with rubbing alcohol and wash your hands thoroughly. Be sure to dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet or placing it in alcohol.

What kills ticks?

To kill ticks do not Wash down sank. Take the tick in a napkin. Hold the napkin tight and release Tick onto a wooden surface. Take a good match and light it. Take the burning match and fry the tick until it is dead. Wait until Crackles and throw it away in a closed bag or a folded napkin.also bleach, clorox, rubbing acohol if you have a small cup of it will kill ticks if you drown them in it, just make sure they arent movine then flush it down the toilet

How does it do that11 + 3 = 2?

Will not

Do ticks ever bite then let go?

No. Ticks attach themselves and keep sucking the blood. They will eventually turn a whitish color and will grow very big after a while. But, if you find a tick on yourself or a pet, you should take it off, obviously should remove the tick with tweezers, or your fingers, and kill it by burning it with a lighter, flushing it down the toilet, crushing it with your fingernail, soaking it in rubbing alcohol, 409, window cleaner, bleach, or any kind of harmful chemical.

What happens if you eat a tick?

Nothing. They will digest in you stomach, and come out as feaces.

What Kinda of tick has Small Brown Stripes down it's back and is around the size of a Flea?

dog tick

How do you get rid of tics in your house after your friends dog was here?

Avoid the temptation to do something, meaning spray insecticides. Your risk of ticks in your house is very low.Even if your friend's dog had ticks on it, those ticks are actively trying to bite and latch onto the dog in order to feed. Assuming that somehow some tick or two fell off of the dog and are on your floor, the likelihood is that it will die on its own or be sucked up next time you vacuum. If you should see a tick, simply kill (squash) it or flush it Avoid the temptation to do something, meaning spray insecticides. Your risk of ticks in your house is very low.Even if your friend's dog had ticks on it, those ticks are actively trying to bite and latch onto the dog in order to feed. Assuming that somehow some tick or two fell off of the dog and are on your floor, the likelihood is that it will die on its own or be sucked up next time you vacuum. If you should see a tick, simply kill (squash) it or flush it

How long does it take for a tick to kill a human?

In all actually, ticks do not kill humans-what they care in their body fluids do. For example, tick-borne Lyme disease the tick first has to be infected by the organism. Second have blood contact with the host for about eight hours. I would like to recommend for further explanations.

What are the release dates for The Tick - 1994 Evil Sits Down for a Moment 2-7?

The Tick - 1994 Evil Sits Down for a Moment 2-7 was released on: USA: 4 November 1995