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Unfortunately, you cannot fly a Pelican in any of the three Halo games, at any point.

The only place that is likely possible is Halo PC/CE, where people make custom mods.

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Gamertag: PyT Shad0w, Level 50

Can't fly one but you can ride on/in one in several levels by either jumping on top or sometimes pressing x shortly after being let out of one

Gamertag: Disench4nted

If you mod halo 2 you can, all you have to do is ftp your xbox, or use a 360 hardrive with sata cable.

well, in Bungie weekly update thay say you CAN on Reach, I just don't know where.

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13y ago

Oooh! (You have to be playing two player, or be beastly with jetpacks) Do the New Alexandria mission, and activate all of the beacons-or whatever. After you do that, find a giant ring in the middle of the city. Fly away and slightly to the left from a giant arch. Find a cool buildin with a couple radio antennas on the top and on the main level there is an overhang. On that building you can a) get the other player to jump on your falcon, then fly to the side AWAY from the arch and down. Under a certain overhang about halfway down, there is a button underneath it. Fly him/her up there, and have them activate it. Fly your falcon back and THROUGH THE TOP HALF A COUPLE TIMES IF THIS DOESNT WORK of the arch. Or you could b) find a jetpack and jump off the building. Get to the overhang and fly under it and into the buidling wall. There is a ledge all the way under it! Drop on that, and then fly up and activate the button. Fly back to the ledge and then jack a banshee that flies by. THIS TAKES TIME I RECOMMEND THE FIRST WAY! if you can't understand this look on YouTube. Also, you can fly a phantom this way but justness a banshee to fly through the arch! Tha is and have fun! Oh btw if you need a gunner for the pelican tell your friend to crouch and crawl around the right aide of you pelican holdin the action button. The pelican goes through buildings so have them stand on a building while you hover next to them. Have fun!

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13y ago


You do get to fly a Giro-Copter though

EDIT: Yes, you can.

Follow the tutorial on the forums, it's called the unofficial pelican thread.

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Not sure what game your talking about when you say "halo marines", but no, you can not drive a pelican in any of the current or upcoming halo games if I'm correct.

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Sorry but you can't fly one.

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no because yoy cant vget to it

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No Not really only on halo 1 you can mod to drive one but its ok.

Can you fly a pelican in Halo 3?

no you can't you only ride in one in the story mode

How can you can you drive the pelican in Halo 3?

You can't drive a pelican in Halo 3.

Can you fly a pelican in halo reach?

No sorry u can't wish u could but it's not possible

How do you fly a pelican on halo reach?

go to the game and try every thing you can then figure out that you you really think the unsc would trust you with a freken pelican

Can you fly a pelican in Halo 2 on the PC?

Bungie didn't produce this feature, but you may be able to download a mod.

How do you fly a pelican no halo reach forge?

You can't unless you mod which can miss up the game hope this helped.