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no, u can inject dilaudid, not freebase it

correction: you CAN smoke dilaudid, just involves crushing the pill into a powder, putting it on tinfoil, adding a small drop of water, heat underneath the tinfoil, INHALE. you will catch a buzz. most effective way of taking hydromorphone(dilaudid) besides IV is plugging it though(mixing it with some water and putting it in your butt). Smoking it will work though.

**Also, you are a complete moron. You realized you just answered/asked this question on the net, which is fine. Not when you have a picture of yourself and your name though! Yea, its not like the DEA or some shzz will be after you but try and keep it at least somewhat on the down-lo. It's really not that hard either, use a fake name or some crap. People seize to amaze me sometimes.**

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Q: Can you freebase dilaudid
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