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water is better for any dog as they are weaned from their mother's milk, cows milk is not great for them and often upsets their tummies but goats milk is more similar to dogs milk, i still wouldn't give it every day though and fresh clean water should be available at all times.

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Q: Can you gave your puppy milk instead of water?
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What can you give to my puppy instead milk?

give it water

Can you feed a puppy milk and water?

You can feed a puppy water and maybe milk.

Can you use regular milk instead of evaporated milk in a homemade puppy formula?

no because the evaporated milk is to sweet

Can you use water instead of milk for color changing milk?

well, if you use water instead of milk, it will no longer be milk. it will be colour changing water.

Just brought home a 6 wk puppy does she need puppy milk the owner said she was weened?

no r puppy wont need milk if it is 6 weeks old just give it water cauz puppy milk is just a rip off

Should you give 4 week old puppy's water if they're on puppy formula and not the mothers milk?

No,wait till they're about 6 weeks old.That is when I started to feed my puppy regular food and water and she too,was not on mother's milk.

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Should you give your 6 week old puppy milk or just water?


What can a 1 month puppy drink?

Doggie moms milk or water.

Can teacup yorkie puppy drink milk?

Well after they have stopped drinking there mothers milk then don't give them any more milk and start giving them water cos then other wise your puppy will have diahria

What should a 8 wk old puppy drink?

No, this will give the pups diarrhea. Water is best for puppies after they are weaned.

What do you feed a puppy once it is taken from its mother?

You feed it Puppy milk and Bakers Puppy Food with a hint of water MAKE SURE THE TYPE OF FOOD IS FOR PUPPIES THOUGH