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if you only take .5mg at bed time, driving won't be a problem because you'll be in bed silly.

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Q: Can you get a DUI or DWI while on Lorazepam if you only take point5 mg before bed?
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Is xanax bar lorazepan?

Xanax and Lorazepam are 2 different drugs. They are both under the class of benzodiazepines. The only noticeable difference is that lorazepam lasts longer, while xanax works faster.

Will taking lorazepam cause nose bleeds?

i only get them when i take lorazepam so i am linking the two together, everyones different though.

Can Cymbalta oxycodone and lorazepam be taking together?

I can only speak from my experience, but yes. I'm on 60mg cymbalta taken once per day and 80mg oxycontin (extended release oxycodone) taken 3 times per day (total 240mg). I also use 100mg lyrica taken twice per day and 20-40mg immediate release oxycodone for breakthrough pain. This is due to spinal nerve damage and neuropathic pain. That being said, I have taken lorazepam in addition to the above, but only every once in a while, not continuously. And I took the base dose, unfortunately i cannot remember what the 'base' dose of lorazepam is.

Can you take lorazepam and methocarbamol at the same time?

It depends. If you weren't prescribed by the doctor for this medication, don't take it. Because only your Doctor would know what dosage is recommended, when it comes to combining with other medications. Be careful. You can definitely overdose on Ativan, (Lorazepam) and Methocarbamol, (Robaxin).

Can you take Lorazepam with Excedrin PM?

Yes, you can take Lorazepam with Excedrin PM. Lorazepam is an anti-anxiety medication. Excedrin PM contains acetaminophen (Tylenol) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Both are safe to take with Lorazepam.

What would happen if a 13 year old girl took Ativan?

Ativan, also known as Lorazepam, Lorazepam affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety. Lorazepam is used to treat anxiety disorders. Lorazepam injection is used to treat a seizure emergency called status epilepticus. This medication is also used as a sedative to help you relax before having surgery. it's was origanally designed to treat conditions like depression and insomnia. Ativan comes in injections and tablets. Take Lorazepam on a short-term basis only. It should not be taken for a period exceeding four months without a prescription. A typical dose is 2 or 3 tablets daily. Ativan should normally not be taken by children under the age of 12. But some side affects to Ativan are, insomnia, drowsiness and changes in appetite. Serious side-effects, such as hallucinations, suicidal tendencies and depression should be reported to your physician immediately.

Would Valium and lorazepam show up the same in a urine test?

Valium's generic name is Diazepam, and it can only be prescribed by its generic name within the U.K. on N.H.S. prescriptions. If a sporting event were conducting a 'Doping Screen' for the use of Benzodiazepines, BOTH Lorazepam and Diazepam (Valium) could be traced, as chemically, they are 'cousins.'

What is the word Temporary means?

lasting only a while. lasting only a while. Lasting only a while Lasting only a while Lasting only a while

What is the drug lorazepam?

Lorazepam is a Benzodiazepine drug that is used to treat conditions such as Anxiety, Insomnia, Acute Seizures. Lorezapam has strong Sedative/Hypnotic effects. This is why its used for sleep related conditions.

Can my dog only get pregnant while she is in heat with bleeding?

Yes, any other time she can not get pregnant. I have never before heard of dogs getting pregnant while they were not in heat.

Is it wrong if a boy sucks girls milk before marriage?

You really only do that while having sex, and it is wrong to have sex before marriage so yes it is wrong.

Is alprozopam the same thing as lorazepam?

No. Alprazolam, better known by the brand name Xanax, is a different drug than lorazepam, better known by the brand name Ativan. Both drugs are related and classified as benzodiazepines. Lorazepam is commonly used for anxiety, acute treatment in certain medical emergencies (eg., amphetamine intoxication, seizure), among other things. Unlike lorazepam and most benzodiazepines alprazolam is ONLY approved for psychiatric disorders. Alprazolam is also once a a handful of drugs approved to treat panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, a specific type of anxiety. Both lorazepam and alprazolam (and oxazepam) are approved to treat anxiety associated with depression however only alprazolam has been shown to have unique antidepressant effects of its own. In New Zealand alprazolam is actually approved to treat depression without anxiety.