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Q: Can you get a birth certificate if your baby dies at 24 weeks?
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Which Mammal dies after giving the birth to their baby?

I know of no mammal that dies after birth. It would be against the nature of mammals since they nurse the baby and have to look after it.

What is it called when your baby dies in your womb?

If a baby dies at birth, it's called "stillborn".

When a fly dies which season does it normally die in?

A few weeks after birth.

What do you do if your rabbit only gives birth to one baby and it dies o if baby rabbit dies?

If the mother dies then you will have to get cat milk and feed the baby yourself. And clean it with a wet towel. If the baby dies then you collect you sorrow and move on. The female will do the same.

What happens when the baby dies inside the mothers womb?

f it was after 24 weeks it would be a stillborn baby so the mother would have to be induced into labour and give birth to it. If it died before it was 24 weeks then it would be classed as a misscarraige but the mother may have to still give birth.x

What is baby birth?

Its simply a child that dies inside the mothers womb.

If Father dies and name not on child's birth certificate can he be an heir?

Not without an extended, and expensive, probate challenge.

What is still birth baby?

Its simply a child that dies inside the mothers womb.

What happens if a guinea pig dies after 2 weeks of giving birth?

In that case, it will usually stay dead.

When a mammal's baby dies at birth what happens to the mother's milk?

Dries up, like a humans would

What happens to the baby of a pregnant sim when the pregnant sim dies?

This has never happened to me, but I think the baby dies along with the mother. You can plead for the mother and baby, or, with the career rewards, get the Grim Reaper phone and pay for them back, which I think she will still give birth

What defines a stillbirth?

A stillborn birth is the birth of a dead baby