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Yes it is possible, but probably not likely for a person to catch an infection in this manner.

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Can you get a staph infection by touching a paper that an infected person touched?

Why is it says you cannot touch without being touched?

Technically, if you are touching someone they are touching you

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Well, if you get touched by it, its just like touching your face. Not much happens.

What do you call the fear of touching food?

Food or eating- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia. Food- Cibophobia Touched, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia Fear of food touching would be: Brumotactillophobia

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Yes , It also depends on how , and where you touched them.

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depends whether you want to be touched by men or women

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Is the Italian word for touched?

If your question is what the Italian word for "touched" is, it is "toccato." The tenses of "toccato" are as follows: Past - "Toccato" (Literally "touched") Present - "Toccante" (Literally "touching") Future - "Toccare" (Literally "to touch")

You hate touching stuff touched by others what is that called?

It really depends on why the person is afraid of stuff being touched by others. Here are some that I found. Mysophobia is the fear of touching things because you are afraid of getting dirty or germs from the object. Bacillophobia is the fear of bacteria. Haptephobia is the fear of being touched. Nosophobia is the fear of contracting a disease.

Why would a guy's face turn a little pink when ever you said his name or touched his shoulder?

He's blushing. Guys like their name being said and touched if they are interested in the person touching them.

What to do if elf on the shelfs are touched?

If an elf on the shelf is touched, simply explain to the child the importance of not touching them so their magic can remain strong. You can also have the elf "report back" to Santa to remind the child about good behavior. Ultimately, it's a fun tradition and touching the elf can be seen as part of the learning process.

What are the ways to get sick?

Kissing, shaking hands, touching door knobs or other common items touched by many people.