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No. Using a PlayStation 2 will not give your computer a virus. Even using your PlayStation 2 online, WHILE your computer is connected to the same router, will not give your computer a virus. The ONLY way that a it could contribute to your computer receiving a virus is if you use the PlayStation 2 to download infected content in some way and then actively place the content onto your computer.

And viruses written for Windows cannot harm the PlayStation 2 in any way.

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Q: Can you get a computer virus from the PlayStation 2?
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I have not heard of any virus that is aimed at the PlayStation 2. To create this kind of virus you would need to install it onto your computer. Via either the internet, or a USB memory stick, so in short.. NO :)

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The man that created the PlayStation 2 is Ken Kutaragi, the father of the PlayStation. It was then commercialised by Sony Computer Entertainment.

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Can you play computer games on a PlayStation 2?

No, you cannot directly play playstation 2 games on a computer. You must use an playstation emulator software to do so. However the performance might not be as good. Here is a link that provides more information.

What are the 10 computer?

Here is a list of 10 different Computer Viruses. The storm virus, Sasser virus, Nimda virus, Melissa virus, Code Red 1 and 2 virus, Morris virus, ILOVEYOU virus, Brain computer virus, Conflicker, and Elk cloner are 10 different computer viruses.

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