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Q: Can you get a nursing certification if you had a felony charge dismissed?
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Is dismissed is a felony?

WIthout any other infomration being supplied - it must be ASSUMED that it refers to the specific date on which the felony charge WAS, or can be expected to be, dismissed.

Will a dismissed felony show up with your fingerprints?

If your fingerprints are linked to a search of your criminal history, yes, the record of your felony charge WILL appear on your criminal hisotry, BUT, along with it will be the notation of the disposition - "dismissed."

What if you applied to have a felony removed from your records and had another charge and was dismissed by the court?

it will be decliend.but if your lucky it will pass.

If charged with a felony that was dismissed will it show up on a background check?

A dismissed felony charge may still appear on a background check, but it should also show that the charge was dismissed. It is important to review your own background check periodically to ensure accuracy and address any discrepancies that may arise.

Can a person check themselves into rehab to possibly get out of a felony charge?

The person can check themselves in, regardless of their motive. It is unlikely that checking into a rehab center will lead to the felony charge being outright dismissed.

What is a felony dismissal date?

WIthout any other infomration being supplied - it must be ASSUMED that it refers to the specific date on which the felony charge WAS, or can be expected to be, dismissed.

Are you considered convicted if your case is dismissed?

If you were arrested for a felony crime - and the charge was dismissed before ever reaching the trial stage - you are NOT considered to be a felon. And although your record may reflect an arrest for the offense, it will also show that the charge was dismissed.

Will a domestic violence felony charge be dismissed if it's your first offense in California?

No, it is still a felony. People must go to jail to pay for it this guy/ girl is an idiot. i was conficted of a felony domestic violence charge and it was later dismissed and dropped. i went through a year and a half of probation (suppossed to be three years, but i got off early due to "good behavior". its not hard, it just takes time.

Will a dismissal of a felony charge show up on background check?

A felony charge that has been dismissed may still appear on a background check unless it has been expunged or sealed. It is recommended to check the laws in your jurisdiction regarding expungement or sealing of criminal records to ensure the charge does not show up on a background check.

If your felony case is dismissed after completing probation what does that mean in detail?

It means your case is dismissed. Your case will still show up on your background report. I got my felony case expunged, but it still shows on my background as dismissed.

How can they bring back up a felony charge when is was just dismissed from superior court but have it as a secret indictment now?

If the case is closed by the court it can never be opened again.

What is the difference between having charges against you dropped and having charges against you dismissed?

An illustration of a reduced charge might be taking a felony Burglary charge and reducing it down to two misdemeanors such as Trespass and Unlawful entry.A dismissed charge means that the judge found some legal reason that the charge was not valid or was insufficiently supported by the evidence and he either nullified it permanently (dismissed WITH prejudice) or temporarily dismissed it and left room for the prosecutor to amend and re-file, (dismissed WITHOUT prejudice).