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We have a friend who claims she'd been infected by her cat. We were wondering if this can happen, and what precautions one should take.

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Q: Can you get a respiratory infection from a cat that has one?
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Upper Respiratory Infection

What does the abbreviation uri mean?

URI most commonly stands for upper respiratory infection.Arterial Blood Gasupper respiratory infection (e.g. a cold)URI stands for Upper Respiratory Infection. This is often used in reference to a nasal or sinus infection. A lower respiratory infection would be pneumonia.Usually, this abbreviation stands for "Upper Respiratory Infection."

Why is the cat drooling and sneezing?

A cat can begin drooling and sneezing for a number of reasons. The most common is due to a upper respiratory infection called feline calicivirus. It is important to get your cat to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

What is a acute bacterial infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract?

Upper Respiratory Infection

What does the medical abbreviation URI mean?

URI most commonly stands for upper respiratory infection.Arterial Blood Gasupper respiratory infection (e.g. a cold)URI stands for Upper Respiratory Infection. This is often used in reference to a nasal or sinus infection. A lower respiratory infection would be pneumonia.Usually, this abbreviation stands for "Upper Respiratory Infection."

Why is my cat Sneezing and has alump on his head?

It sounds like your cat has an upper respiratory infection along with a possible abscess on his or her head. An abscess is caused by cat bites or cat claws and the infection closes over and infection/puss builds up inside. It would need to be drained and cleaned out. Also antibiotics would be needed too. But first of all you need to take your cat into your Veterinarian to have him or her checked out and diagnosed correctly.

What type of disease does a cat have when pus is oozing out of its eyes?

You need to take your cat in to your Veterinarian to have this checked out. Have you had your cat vaccinated? This could be a sign of a very bad upper respiratory infection or even of Cat Distemper, etc. That is why it is very important to have your cat checked out by the Veterinarian.

Is bronchitis and upper respiratory infection the same thing?

it is a kind of upper respiratory tract infection...ear infection, laryngitis, pharyngitis etc, are other upper respiratory tract infections

What is the of respiratory infection?


What are the symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus infection?

In children under two, the virus causes a serious lower respiratory infection in the lungs. In older children and healthy adults, it causes a mild upper respiratory infection

Can you use neomycin to treat cats' upper respiratory system infection?

Only a veterinarian is able to tell you which kind of antibiotic is convenient for the cat. Also, he can tell you if the disease is an infection or inflammation. If it is an inflammation, antibiotics are not indicated.