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Q: Can you get a restraining order for excessive phone calls in Arizona?
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Can someone that put a restraining order on you be in violation of that order?

Yes, they can. For instance: if you are resticted to mantaining your distance from them, or restrained from contacting them by phone - yet THEY commit these acts themselves, they too are in violation of the court's order.

What does PRO mean in a restraining order?

Permanent Restraining Order

Can you cancel an existing restraining order?

can you cancel a restraining order?

Can a parent get a restraining order for their 15-year-old daughter who is dating a 17-year-old and doesn't want them to in Arizona?

Yes you can.

How long will a restraining order last in the state of Arizona?

They can vary by length from a very short time span all the way up to permanent. The court order will have this information in it somewhere. If it cannot be located contact the Clerk Of The Court which issed the order to see the original decision.

What is a dov restraining order?

I think you mean a DV restraining order: It is a domestic violence restraining order. It is a court order that can help protect people from abuse.

Was served a restraining order but the plaintiff calls me?

Do not make contact! The other person broke the restrain order. Not you. But if YOU make contact YOU broke the order and can be charged with a misdemeanor. Added: Maintain records of any calls from the plaintiff. You could use them against the plaintiff at trial.

What is a restraining notice?

A restraining notice is a legal document served on a debtor's bank account, notifying the bank not to release funds to the debtor, but rather to hold them for potential satisfaction of a debt owed to a creditor who obtained the restraining notice through a court order. It is a way for creditors to protect their interests by freezing the debtor's assets.

What signs mean she is never coming back to you?

She is with someone else. She doesn't return your calls over a period of a month or longer. She drops off a box of your personal effects, or gifts that you have given her on your doorstep. She has a restraining order against you. She calls the police to tell them that you are vioationg the terms of the restraining order every time she drives be your home. She never has anything nice to say about you. she does not speak to you.

How does one appeal a temporary restraining order?

If you filed the restraining order, you can withdraw it. You must go back to the court where you filed the restraining order and ask that it be dropped.

Can a twelve year old get a restraining order from their dad?

yes a restraining order can be put on anyone as loing as they have evidence that the restraining or is needed

What do you need to get a restraining order in merced county?

Nothing, a restraining order is always free...