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In CA you can. Other states I don't know. In most states you can only get a ticket if you are under the age of 13 and without a bike helmet, but again, this varies between states.

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14y ago

Most definetely. Not wearing a helmet while riding a bike (either motorized or not) is very dangerous and can easily result in serious, debilatiting injury, if not death.

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Q: Can you get a ticket for not wearing a bike helmet?
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Paying money for not wearing a helmet for bike?

Can happen. Some places have a law stating that you must have a helmet to ride a bike. If you haven't, you might be stopped by the police and given a ticket.

Can you get a ticket at a park for not wearing padding and a helmet on a bike?

Depending where you live.... it is a free country.... well in the U.S.A.

Are bike helmets allowed to wear even if you get a ticket?

You can, under some circumstances, get a ticket for notwearing a helmet - but I can't think of a situation where you would get a ticket for wearing it.

Why doesn't Miley Cyrus get a ticket for riding her bike without a helmet. In California it is ILLEGAL for anyone under the age of 18 NOT wearing a helmet?

Possibly because she's famous?

What sentence to use for helmet?

While I was on my bike I painfully fell off of it although luckily I was wearing my sturdy helmet.

Can i die from wearing a bike helmet?

Highly unlikely. Not wearing one could increase your chances of injury in an accident.

Is wearing a helmet good for riding a bike?

As long as you don't fall off, wearing a helmet or not doesn't matter. But if you should fall off, a helmet offers easy and inexpensive protection against head injuries.

Is wearing a riding hat important?

Yes! Make sure youu always wear a helmet when jumping! Whenever riding, have proper riding helmet, not a bike helmet or anything else!

Will I get a ticket for not wearing a motorcycle helmet?

If there is a mandatory helmet law in your state, you will probably get a ticket if you do not wear a helmet when riding your motorcycle.

Can you make sentence with the word protection?

Wearing a helmet is important for head protection while riding a bike.

Why should you wear helmet when riding to somewhere?

Safety! The helmet will protect your head in case you fall off or get thrown off the horse, much like wearing a helmet on a bike or motorcycle. You should always wear a helmet.

Will you get ticket for not wearing a bicycle helmet?

The law isn't the same all over, so it depends on where you're at and how old you are.