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You can't catch something from yourself.

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Q: Can you get aids from your own sperm by drinking?
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Can drinking your own sperm kill you?

No. Sperm contains protein and natural sugars that belong in your body.

Can you get aids by drinking others sperm?

Yes, you can. The AIDS virus can be transmitted through several bodily fluids such as blood, sperm, and vaginal secretions. Consuming any of these fluids can result in contracting the disease if your partner is HIV positive.

Side effect of drinking own sprem?

There is no unpleasant side effect of drinking/consuming one's own sperm provided that the person is free from any sexually transmitted diseases.

Is it true that if you put your own Sperm in your ear you will have better hearing?

No. The only way you treat hearing is with hearing aids.

If your own sperm enters a wound will you get aids?

Only if you had aids....and if you had them already, then getting it into a wound wouldn't matter anyway.

Can a teenage boy get aids due to sperm deficiency?

Sperm deficiency will not cause HIV or the resulting AIDS. You must be exposed the the HIV to be infected.

Is there another way to get aids other than with blood?

Yes, sperm can also contain AIDS.

Can you get aids by drinking out of a water bottle someone else used?

Yes, but not Super-AIDS.

Drinking horse sperm harmfull?


Can a man get aids by suking his penis?

A man who sucks his own penis will not have more aids than before whether he had this disease or not beforehand. More seriously, you can have aids by practising oral sex if your partner have aids of course, since you can swallow some sperm which may mix with blood. The risk is limited but there is still a risk.

Can you get aids from swapping sweat?

Only if you're drinking it.

Can you get aids from swallowing sperm? can, even if you don't swallow.