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You will not get the HIV infection in the tub from the manner you describe.

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Q: Can you get aids if someone who is on their period and they get in the tub with you?
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Is an early period normal?

no, you have aids

Can you catch aids from someone who dont have it?

You can't catch AIDS.

To get aids do you have to get it from someone who has it?

That is correct; you must get it from someone who has it.

Can you have aids from someone if you just eat from the same spoon?

no you cant get aids

If someone touches the aids infected undergarments does he catch aids?

No, not likely.

Can you get AIDS from eating the flesh of someone infected with AIDS?

Yes you certainly can.

What does it feel like being told that you have aids?

I would imagine it to be very heart breaking. I have friends who have aids .. It ruined their lives .. Its a scary thing to deal with. Thats why you have to be careful.. You can catch aids many ways : from kissing someone with aids.. Even a child can get aids if they drink breast milk from someone with aids.. And of course having sex with someone with aids will leave you doubtful and regretful .

Rubbie dub dub in your tub?

its sorta like a metaphor and a simile or just something you say to someone to get in the tub.

How do you get a hot tub on secretbuilders?

I think you have to buy a penthouse, If that doesn't work then ask someone on secertbuilders who has the hot tub. :)