

Can you get an STD from a human bite?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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15y ago

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It depends on who bites you and where you are bit. Herpes is the most spread STD through Human Bite. Now, if you want to talk about animal bites, that is a whole different story. You can contract anal warts when bitten by a ferret thanks

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Q: Can you get an STD from a human bite?
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Yes. The human bite s full of bacteria and other germs. Bye!

What is the program for a snake and ladder game in c plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<array> #include<string> #include<random> #include<ctime> using player_t = std::array<unsigned, 2>; using pair_t = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>; using snake_t = std::array<pair_t, 10>; using ladder_t = std::array<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 9>; const std::string player (const bool human) { return std::string {human ? "You" : "I"}; } int main() { std::default_random_engine generator ((unsigned) time (0)); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution (1, 6); player_t players = {0,0}; const snake_t snakes = {pair_t {98,78}, {95,75}, {93,73}, {87,24}, {64,60}, {62,19}, {56,53}, {49,11}, {47,26}, {16,6}}; const ladder_t ladders = {pair_t {1,38}, {4,14}, {9,31}, {21,42}, {28,84}, {36,44}, {51,67}, {71,91}, {80,100}}; std::cout << "Snakes and Ladders\n"; std::cout << "==================\n\n"; std::cout << "First to land exactly on square 100 wins.\n"; bool human = (distribution (generator) % 2)==0 ? true : false; std::cout << player (human) << " will go first.\n\n"; for (;;human=!human) { std::cout << (human ? "Your" : "My") << " turn:\n"; unsigned dice = distribution (generator); std::cout << '\t' << player (human) << " rolled a " << dice << ".\n"; unsigned& pos = players [human?0:1]; if (pos+dice>100) { std::cout << '\t' << player (human) << " cannot move.\n"; goto turn_over; } pos+=dice; std::cout << '\t' << player (human) << " landed on square " << pos; for (auto snake : snakes) { if (snake.first==pos) { pos = snake.second; std::cout << " with a snake; return to square " << pos; goto turn_over; } } for (auto ladder : ladders) { if (ladder.first==pos) { pos = ladder.second; std::cout << " with a ladder; climb to square " << pos; goto turn_over; } } turn_over: std::cout << ".\n\n"; if (pos==100) { std::cout << "You " << (human ? "won" : "lost") << "!\n"; break; } } }

What is the program for snake and ladder game in c plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<array> #include<string> #include<random> #include<ctime> using player_t = std::array<unsigned, 2>; using pair_t = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>; using snake_t = std::array<pair_t, 10>; using ladder_t = std::array<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 9>; const std::string player (const bool human) { return std::string {human ? "You" : "I"}; } int main() { std::default_random_engine generator ((unsigned) time (0)); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution (1, 6); player_t players = {0,0}; const snake_t snakes = {pair_t {98,78}, {95,75}, {93,73}, {87,24}, {64,60}, {62,19}, {56,53}, {49,11}, {47,26}, {16,6}}; const ladder_t ladders = {pair_t {1,38}, {4,14}, {9,31}, {21,42}, {28,84}, {36,44}, {51,67}, {71,91}, {80,100}}; std::cout << "Snakes and Ladders\n"; std::cout << "==================\n\n"; std::cout << "First to land exactly on square 100 wins.\n"; bool human = (distribution (generator) % 2)==0 ? true : false; std::cout << player (human) << " will go first.\n\n"; for (;;human=!human) { std::cout << (human ? "Your" : "My") << " turn:\n"; unsigned dice = distribution (generator); std::cout << '\t' << player (human) << " rolled a " << dice << ".\n"; unsigned& pos = players [human?0:1]; if (pos+dice>100) { std::cout << '\t' << player (human) << " cannot move"; goto next_player; } pos+=dice; std::cout << '\t' << player (human) << " landed on square " << pos; for (auto snake : snakes) { if (snake.first==pos) { pos = snake.second; std::cout << " with a snake; return to square " << pos; goto next_player; } } for (auto ladder : ladders) { if (ladder.first==pos) { pos = ladder.second; std::cout << " with a ladder; climb to square " << pos; goto next_player; } } next_player: std::cout << ".\n\n"; if (pos==100) { std::cout << player (human) << " won!\n"; break; } } }

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for a human to become a vampire a vampire has to bite to human

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No, a vampire's eyes do not have to be red to bite a human. The color of a vampire's eyes may vary depending on the lore or story, but it is not a requirement for them to feed on humans.

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