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If you can still have sex then you can still contract an std. Sts can affect other parts of the genitals then just the cervix.

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Q: Can you get an STD if your cervix was removed?
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Your cervix is red and swollen could that be a STD?

Yes - see doctor immediately

How can you find out if you had your cervix removed during your hysterectomy?

ask your doctor or surgeon

Is there a hormonal imbalance after a hysterectomy when only the uterus and cervix was removed?

.......ok sure!

Should you bleed after total hysterectomy an cervix an both ovaries removed?

no but sometimes i do

Will you still have menses if you had a total hysterectomy?

As uterus and cervix have been removed then there should be no bleeding.

What material is removed during a cone biopsy?

A cone biopsy is a surgical procedure in which a cone-shaped tissue sample from the cervix is removed for examination.

What causes ulcers in uterus?

Ulcers typically happen in the cervix, which is the bottom portion of the uterus. The ulcers are commonly caused by STD's and should be treated by a doctor.

Is HPV a viral STD?

HPV is a viral STD. HPV can cause genital warts or cancerous/precancerous lesions in the cervix or anus.

Is it common for cervical cancer to reoccur after having your cervix removed from previous cervical cancer?

If your cervix has been removed, you cannot get cervical cancer again. However another related cancer, such as vaginal or vulvar, can occur. Regular treatment and follow up is always recommend.

Can a woman take a longer dick after a hysterectomy?

No.The vagina is closed by stitches after the uterus and cervix are removed If the cervix is retained then this is closed as well.The vagina is flexible and will expand and contract like elastic.

Do you have to have a pap smear after a hyterectomy?

If you still have a cervix, you should continue to get pap smears until age 65. If you don't have a cervix, but had the uterus removed due to cancer or precancerous changes of the cervix, vaginal paps should continue. If you had the uterus removed for some other reason, you probably don't need pap smears. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Why would a young woman age 23 need her cervix removed?

Cervical cancer would be my first thought.