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You should be good as long as you have a condom on it.


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Q: Can you get an std from using a hair brush as a sex toy?
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How do you prevent Epididymitis?

Using condoms and not having sex with anyone who has an STD can prevent some cases of epididymitis.

What are the changes in breast after sex?

Sex does not change the body unless you get a STD or pregnant and then the pregnancy or STD make the body change.

Can chlamydia be spread through?

Sex. It is an STD.

If you dont pee after sex does that mean you have an std?

are you for real? of course not!! (although if you never pee again after having sex once then that is a problem but it doesnt mean you have an std!)

Can you give a girl a STD if you do it in tha butt?

STD transmission occurs from any type of sex with an infected person including genital, oral, anal, and sex toys.

Can a woman be infected by swallowing mans infected sperms?

Yes, a female can get an STD from giving male oral sex. Using condoms can help lower the risk.

What is one of the ways STD and Aids is spread?

Unprotected sex.

How do you store a string in c plus plus?

#include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::string; using std::getline; using std::endl; int main() { string myString = ""; cout << "Enter your string: "; getline(cin, myString, '\n'); cout << "\nYou have entered - " << myString << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; }

If both you and your partner are both virgins and have never had any of the forms of sex can either one get a STD from having oral sex?

If you or your partner have NOT engaged in any sexual activity where fluid has been present, then no... you are your partner will not have an STD from having oral sex. If you or your partner have NOT engaged in any sexual activity where fluid has been present, then no... you are your partner will not have an STD from having oral sex.

How do you catch an std from a bald guy?

The same way you catch an STD from anyone else. It's all about unsafe sex.

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#include #include using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::string;using std::getline;int main(){string myStr = "";cout

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#include #include using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::string;using std::getline;int main(){string myString = "";cout