

Can you get banned for tipping the iceberg on cp?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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If you don't use bad language you won't.

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Q: Can you get banned for tipping the iceberg on cp?
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On Club Penguin will you get banned for tipping the iceberg?

I don't think you will get banned because you can't do it.

How do you tip the iceberg on cp with a fire hose?

you can not it is impossibleto tip the iceberg

Can you tip the iceberg on cp?

No. Not at all.

Does the cp ice berg tip?

Lots of penguins have different theories. Most penguins say that it DOES tip over. But then again, most penguins also say it DOES NOT tip over. If you look at youtube video's, some of the videos say that you get 10000 coins when you tip it over. Others say that you get banned from CP for tipping the iceberg. So don't ask me if it is tip-able or not. There are LOT of different theories. -- Waddle on! Blackfur23

How do you tip the iceberg on cp?

You need 100 penguins on the iceberg dancing or drilling.

Where is the June 4th cp pin?

it is on the iceberg

Do you get banned for tipping the iceberg in club penguin?

Well, it depends on what kind of launguge you use while on the iceburg because if you are just sitting in the iceburg and doing nothing you really shouldn't get banned but sometimes for no strait up reason they just ban you

Where do you go to tip the iceberg on clubpenguin?

To the Iceberg of course! Actually there's no real proof that the Iceberg can tip, but many believe it can, which is the key to tipping it.

Will you get ban from tipping the iceberg in club penguin?

No, since it is impossible to do so.

What is the prize from aunt arctic for tipping the iceberg?

A golden puffle and an iceburg pin

How can you walk on water in CP?

It is a hack that will get you banned.

Is tipping the berg in club penguin possible?

Well, no one has done it yet. But there are rumors that if you tip the iceberg, you'll get banned. Several examples are in the Club Penguin Times, Aunt Arctic states she says that she has never seen such a feat, but it will probably get you banned. Klutzy and Herbert are constantly bickering and in Mission 9 Klutzy mentions penguins getting banned for it.