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Yes, getting bond while awaiting extradition is possible. The Uniform Extradition Act requires a bail bond to be set for any charges that are not punishable by death or life imprisonment.

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Q: Can you get bond awaiting extradition?
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How do you track an inmate on extradition?

Don't understand the question. A subject awaiting extradition is either being held in jail in the jurisdiction that arrested him, awaiting the 'wanting' state to come for him - or - he is in transit back to the 'wanting' state - or he is being held in jail in the county where he is gong to be tried. Therefore, except for the few hours he is in transit he is going to be in either one jail of the other.

How long can Washington state hold someone in jail awaiting extradition to California on a California warrant?

The legal term "extradition" does not apply to intra-state transfers of wanted fugitives. Extradition applies only to those fugitives removed state-to-state. It sounds like you are being held for a plain old prisoner transfer.

How long is the process to request extradition?

A Governor's Warrant (also known as Extradition) is issued when the apprehending state officially notifies the "wanting" state of the fugitive's arrest. It is both a legal and an administrative process, and how long it takes is not governed by statute. It can take as long as it takes. If the fugitive is still awaiting extradition in jail after 60 - 90 days, they should file a Writ of Habeus Corpus.

You signed extradition papers for Ct and was not picked up?

What is the timeframe since you signed the extradition papers? Extradition is not an immediate process (i.e.: it does not happen within 24-48 hours). Certain legal steps have to be taken between the states to 'lawfully' extradite you back to your home state. Once the process has been set in motion there is no statutory time limit, and it can take, as long as it takes. If you are held awaiting extradition for more than 90 days, file a writ of Habeus Corpus.

Are most defendants detained in jail while awaiting trial?

No most are released on some type of Bail Bond.

How long can lousaiana hold someone for extradition to Oregon?

Once the extraditing state has indicated that they WILL extradite you then the extradition process has been started. It is not immediate nor is it quick, there are many administrative and legal steps in removing someone from one state another for prosecution that must be taken to satisfy the law. If one is still incarcertaed awaiting removel after 30 days, file a Writ of Habeus Corpus to detemine the status of your extradition.

How long after arrest and held for extradition can you file a writ of habeus corpus?

You could file it immediately if you wish, nothing is stopping you. But the court will probably not entertain it until a 'reasonable' time has passed for the extraditing state to process the paperwork and initiate the legal process to have you returned. You could probably speed up the process by waiving the process of extradition. If you're currently being held awaiting extradition, ask to consult with a public defender for advice.

How long can GA hold an inmate for a SC warrant?

not at all. However, if GA files an extradition request and SC is the asylum state, then they can( are required to) hold fugitive for 30 days awaiting GA authorities to transport.

Who is Lord of War based on?

Nicolas Cage's character, Yuri Orlov, is largely based on international arms dealer Viktor Bout. Bout was captured in March 2008 by Thai authorities and is now awaiting extradition to the US.

Can bond be revoked by a different judge than the one who set it while awaiting a governors warrant if you didnt break the bond rules?

This is not an easily answered question. It entirely depends on the specific State that the bond was issued in, there is no universal standard for bonding and issuance in the US.

Does Thailand have non-extradition with the UK?

No, it has extradition.

Your boyfriend is in Jail in California awaiting extradition to Texas after the 30 days are up can California release and rearrest him on the same warrant in Texas?

What makes you think there is a 30 day "Get Out of Jail Free" card? If your boyfriend refuses to waive extradition it will necessarily prolong the process between the two states. The states have to satisfy the legal procedures required to extradite the boyfriend which takes more time.