

Can you get burn mark from irons out of carpets?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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cut that peice of carpet out with a large blade and replace that peice

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Q: Can you get burn mark from irons out of carpets?
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Yes it can. You need to take care to not drop hot appliances like irons on one. It is nearly impossible to repair if it does occur.

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Compared to other types of irons, a ceramic iron is considered to be better for hair because it has less potential to burn or damage hair due to the material it's made out of. Furthermore, the grips or handles on ceramic irons are always heat resistant, while on other irons they aren't.

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Curling irons, straightening irons, and crimpers are some. You can also use real irons, but people only did that before straightening irons were invented.

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change the headlining