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Q: Can you get cash for cardboard recycling?
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Can I bring any kind of paper to a cardboard recycling center?

Only cardboard can be brought to a cardboard recycling center

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What kind of paper products can I bring to cardboard recycling centers?

Cardboard and paper are the two major options here, but some cardboard recycling centers may allow more.

Who in phx,az pays you for recycling cardboard ?

anybody in tucson buy cardboard ?? I will buy your baled cardboard.

recycling center for cardboard boxes...paid?

The nearby City of Berkley has a recycling facility for cardboard at 1201 2nd Street. (510) 981-7270

Is cardboard recyclable?

Yes, you can treat it as paper when you are recycling it.

What natural resources are saved by recycling cardboard?


Where can I drop off cardboard for recycling?

The first place where one could find information on proper cardboard recycling would be with their local village offices. Another place to find this useful information would be a local cardboard recycling business.

Is giving a transient a cardboard box considered recycling?

In order to qualify as recycling,the materials must be given to a certified recycling center.

Is cardboard recycling still available?

Yes. Two types of cardboard are recyclable: flat (cereal boxes etc) and corrugated (moving boxes etc). Both of these types of cardboard are still collected and recycled by run of the mill curbside recycling companies as well as at local gocery stores. If neither of these are readily available, one can recycle their cardboard at their local recycling center.

Is cardboard recycling as environmentally friendly as it is maded out to be?

Yes any and all recycling is truly beneficial for the enviroment.

I want to learn about recycling cardboard. Can someone help Greg?

The two main types of cardboard that are most likely to be recycled in your area are: Flat cardboard like shoe and cereal boxes and cardboard like what is often used in packaging. Make sure to contact your local recycling facility to see if they will take both of those types of cardboard and also inquire about wax covered cardboard like milk or juice cartons. Make sure you break down the cardboard before putting it in your recycling bin.