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Q: Can you get endrometrial cancer after having a partial hysterectomy?
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Can I have a child after having a partial hysterectomy?

nope not at all

Do you have bloating and diarrhea after having a partial hysterectomy?

Yes i do.

Will you be dry after your partial hysterectomy?

No, well I had a partial hysterectomy and and I still get very lubricated, I heard a lot of women also have trouble having organism, I have not had any trouble. I wonder if a lot of women get bored with there partners, I have been with the same partner for 19 years, but still no trouble getting wet or reaching organism.

What exactly does it do to help with cancer like overie and bone cancer?

im talking about injections -im receiving octreotide acetate suspention injections after having chemo and hysterectomy. i had carsinoid cancer -rear one . thank you Tina

If you had a hysterectomy can you still get cancer?

Yes. Cancer can occur in any organ, not just the uterus. Removing the uterus (ie, having a hysterectomy performed) means that the likelihood of developing a uterine cancer (eg, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer) is exceedingly low, but it does not mean that other cancers (eg, lung, colon, breast) cannot develop elsewhere.

What is a sentence using the word hysterectomy?

The woman was recovering at home after having had a hysterectomy.

Do ovaries shrink after having a hysterectomy?

do your ovaries disinigate after you had a hysterectomy for33 yrs

What can i expect after i get a hysterectomy?

When you get a hysterectomy you will be having your uterus removed and possibly your ovaries as well. The incision will be made as if you are having a C-Section.

How can you cease having periods?

Have a hysterectomy.

Can anyone get a hysterectomy?

The first and pretty much only requirement for a hysterectomy is having a uterus. Having said that most doctors will not perform a hysterectomy without a medical reason (although if you have the time and money anything is possible).

Has anybody gave birth after having a hysterectomy?


Is it possible for one to become pregnant after having hysterectomy?

No.As the uterus is removed in a hysterectomy there is nowhere for the baby to be carried to term.