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Yes, you can get an epidural with each birth.

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Q: Can you get epidural with every birth?
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Under what circumstances is epidural therapy performed?

Epidural anesthesia can block most of the pain of labor and birth for vaginal and surgical deliveries. Epidural analgesia is also used after cesarean sections

How long after epidural does a woman give birth?

There is no set time after an epidural that you deliver. There are many factors that go into delivery. It depends on how dialated you are when you receive the epidural Also, how fast and strong your contractions are. You can be in labor for quite a while after you get your epidural. The joy is that you don't mind it so much anymore.

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Why would a 12 year old girl became paralized when she was giving birth after she had an epidural anesthesia?

She may have moved when she was getting the epidural which can lead to being paralyzed in the worse case.

What does an epidural help you on?

During labor. Epidural analgesia, sometimes called an epidural block, causes some loss of feeling in the lower areas of your body, yet you remain awake and alert. An epidural block may be given soon after your contractions start, or later as your labor progresses. An epidural block with more or stronger medications (anesthetics, not analgesics) can be used for a cesarean delivery or if vaginal birth requires the help of forceps or vacuum extraction. Your doctors will work with you to determine the proper time to give the epidural.

Is an epidural for labor and an epidural for back pain the same?

They are the same

Will an epidural take the pain away of a severe hemorrhoid during birth?

Yes it will, but I am afraid that it will come back worse than ever after the epidural wears off, however it should go away completely within a few days. I feel for you, I really do.