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Dependiong on the law of the state which convicted you, you MAY be able to get the criminal record expunged, but the DMV record will always remain.

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Q: Can you get felony removed for DUI?
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Is DUI a felony?

Is DUI a felony in the state of New Mexico

Is guilty on a DUI a felony?

DUI is not a felony in New Hampshire. Stupid, but not a felony.

How to get a job before class C felony for DUI is removed from record?

It is very difficult to get any felony removed from your record or expunged if you were convicted. It would usually take a pardon.

What is felony DUI and sentencing in Ohio?

Felony DUI in Ohio is after the 4th offense.

How can I have a 1st offense DUI with felony possession removed from record?

If you were convicted of a felony, it will be almost impossible to remove from your record-unless there was a major mistake on the court's part.

Is DUI a felony in il?

In Illinois, a DUI becomes a felony upon the third offense.

What is a criminal DUI felony in Illinois?

In Illinois, a DUI will become a felony upon the third offense. It can also be a felony if there were other factors-such as if a child was in the car at the time of the DUI.

Is a DUI considered a felony in ca?

No. A straight DUI is a misdemeanor. When someone is injured or killed in a DUI related accident, then it becomes a felony.

Is a first time DUI a felony?

Not normally. Felony DUI in the U.S. is normally your 3rd offense.

Is a 2nd DUI a felony in California?

In California, a DUI does not become a felony until the fourth offense.

When is DUI a felony in Texas?

In Texas, a DUI becomes a felony upon the third offense. Up until that point, a regular DUI is a misdemeanor.

Is a DUI a felony in Georgia?

In Georgia, a DUI will become a felony on the fourth offense within ten years.A DUI becomes a felony in Georgia after the fourth offense within ten years