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Q: Can you get food poisoning from a spoiled lollipop?
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What grows on spoiled food that can cause food poisoning?

E coli

What happens if you eat spoiled eggs?

If you eat spoiled eggs, what could happen is that you could get food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning include feeling or being sick, stomach pain and diarrhea.

Is spoiled macaroni poisonous?

If it is spoiled, and if the dish was made with any dairy products, then yes, food poisoning may occur.

Can you take honey if you drink spoiled milk?

No - you'll end up with food poisoning!

What would make an otherwise healthy dog throw up?

Indigestion, poisoning, tainted or spoiled food

Can you wash off slimy pork?

That pork is spoiled. Throw it away. Don't risk the food poisoning.

What are the safety hazards of food conservation and food additive?

If your food is stored in storage bags or plastic containers, they get spoiled easily and can cause food poisoning when eaten.

Can a dog catch diarrhea from a human?

No. Not unless say the food was spoiled and gave you food poisoning and the dog ate the same thing but not it's not contagious or anything like that.

Describe two ways bacteria can produce disease in humans?

if someone eats spoiled food they could get food poisoning, and if you get bacteria inside your stomach you couldget diarrhia

Why do they have expired label on foods and what will it cause if someone eat an expired food?

Expiration dates are used to indicate how long foods are considered to be safe for. After that date, there is a chance that the food will have spoiled. If it has spoiled, there is a possibility of illness, such as food poisoning. If it hasn't spoiled, there won't be a problem. Some expiration dates deal with how long the flavors will last without going 'off' and tasting funny.

Food poisoning is caused when?

Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated ,spoiled or toxic food .More than 250 bacteria and viruses are known to cause food poisoning. To avoid this , we should follow the proper steps for making food.

What is wrong if you vomit if you eat chocolate?

Either the chocolate was bad (spoiled, food poisoning, ect.) or you have an intolerance / allergy to the chocolate or an ingredient within the chocolate.