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It's possible, you could get genital herpes on your mouth if you give some one oral sex around the time they had a break out.

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Q: Can you get genital herpes from licking a vagina?
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Can you get STD when boyfriend lick your vagina?

Cold sores are a form of herpes. If he has a cold sore and his lips touch your vagina, then you can absolutely get genital herpes.

Can you get Genital herpes?

Any sexual activity involving genital-genital contact can transmit the herpes virus.

Is it true that licking vagina can cause throat cancer?

No. Licking vagina is not harmful.

Can you get genital herpes from irritating the tissues from a baby wipe?

You can't get genital herpes from irritating the tissues from a baby wipe.

What type of category is genital herpes?

I'm assuming the question refers to Genital Herpes. Herpes is officially labeled as a Virus, and being a virus it is officially known to have no cure.

What if your partner has anal herpes does this mean he has genital herpes?

He also has the plague.

What is the common name for genital herpes?

Our vet said 90 percent of cats have herpes, but that sounded very high. Does anyone know how accurate the vet's response is?

What's Genital herpes?

When You;ve Been Sleeping with People that have Genital Herpes, Has warts growing on there privates . No, Genital Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus that is contracted when you have any sexual contact with a person including sex, masturbation, or kissing. Medicine can shorten or stop outbreaks for a period of time but it can not cure herpes.Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by being infected by the HSV-2 virus.Genital herpes is a viral infection from the virus HSV-type 2 that may cause painful sores in the genital area.gential herpes means your gendar and herpes that are on your body on your leg and down

What type of herpes do you have when it itchs?

All types of herpes cause itching or burning. This is true for oral herpes, genital herpes, chicken pox, and shingles.

Do Bow Wow have herpes?

Yes. His doctor reviewed it in 2007, and it was genital herpes. Sad, but true...

Can you get genital warts if Ive never had any sexual contact except kissing?

No, another persons mouth or genitals must touch yours to get genital warts. Genital warts usually come from herpes or HPV. you can get herpes in the mouth from kissing though, especially if the person you are kissing has herpes in the mouth.

If you have hurpes can you still get pregnant?

Absolutely YES! Genital herpes may be passed from one person to another through close physical contact. This means sex and practically anything else that can lead to sex. This includes kissing, oral sex, anal sex, etcetera. Genital herpes does not keep you from getting pregnant. In fact, if you or your partner have genital herpes you should see a doctor immediately. The doctor can show you how to use safer birth control so you don't pass the herpes virus to each other (or anyone else) and do his/her best to make sure you don't get pregnant. Babies born to mothers with Herpes generally contract herpes when they are born from the vagina. Many times, women with genital herpes are forced to have a caesarean delivery (when they cut her tummy open and get the baby out) just to protect the baby from getting Herpes. This is VERY SERIOUS! See a doctor and learn what to do to protect yourself and your partner and NOT get pregnant until you learn more.