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You can't get gonorrhea without exchanging fluids. You get gonorrhea from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected mother.

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Q: Can you get gonorrhea without exchanging fluids?
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What are three infectious diseases?

Infectious disease in one that is spread by intimate contact with body fluids. Some of these are influenza, mononucleosis, and Chlamydia.

What is outercourse?

"Sexual stimulation or activity between partners without anal or vaginal penetration" (1) "mutual sexual gratification without the exchange of bodily fluids" (2) The term outercourse is meant to describe the activity of mutual masturbation or mutual copulation of one's partner thus leading to orgasm. The practice is intended to promote sexual exploration without the exchange of bodily fluids which can transmit "various diseases, including chancroid, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, that are usually contracted through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact"(3) commonly known as STD's. (1) Outercourse. (n.d.). The American Heritage