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My friend got aids from cutting himself with a rusty knife.

I don't know if you can get aids from cutting yourself in a lake...maybe...the water is dirty...thenstuff gets into your body...just as stuff happened to my friend...but i don't know...lookit it more..

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Q: Can you get hiv from cutting yourself in a lake?
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no cutting yourself wont make you dizzy but it can cause internal bleeding

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Is cutting yourself okay?

No, cutting yourself indicates a problem that needs to be resolved. You should seek help to resolve whatever those problems are.

Is cutting yourself illegal?

absolutely yes

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Lock yourself in a bathroom, turn on the Cure, and start cutting.

What is something you can use to make cutting yourself not hurt?

Please don't cut yourself.

Is it in any way possible to give yourself HIVAIDS?

No. You can only get the HIV virus from someone else, who has it first. It can only be passed on through sexual intercourse, or by sharing drug needles. ALWAYS use a condom when having sex, and ALWAYS use a clean (or sterile) needle when injecting drugs. That's the only way to stop HIV.

Is hiv result was negative then you fell free from hiv?

If your HIV test result was negative, and you've had no new risky exposures since the test, and if you are not in the window period, you can consider yourself free from HIV. The window period the time between infection with HIV and the time when the test will become positive.

Can HIV be transmitted via electric shaving machine?

no. HIV is only disributed into your bloodstream. so... unless you cut yourself and someone else with HIV cut themselves with the same razor, you're safe

Can you really hurt yourself or do any long damage by cutting yourself? can kill yourself ... by accident. If you cut an artery.