

Best Answer

The answer is definitely! I am a lifeguard and we learn all about this stuff in training.

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Q: Can you get hypothermia from cold pools?
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Related questions

How do prevent hypothermia?

you can prevent hypothermia by not getting cold

What will you develop when you get too cold?


What do you call dying of coldness?

* Death due to the elements such as cold is called 'Hypothermia.'

Can you get hypothermia from a desert in Colorado?

no i do not think you can get hypothermia in a desert in Colorado. it is way to hot! or it might be soo cold at night you might get hypothermia.

Do you die if you get hypothermia?

Yes you could die if you get Hypothermia it all depends on how cold you are and what is your body temperature

What is the name of the condition you become when out in the cold?


What is the sickness when your core gets to cold?


What is the name when the body is too cold?


How do you spell hipefulthermia?

The correct spelling for the term you're looking for is "hypothermia."

What is the difference between hypothermia and hyperthermia?

hyperthermia is when you have an unusually high body temperature and hypothermia is when you have a really cold body tmperature

Do octopi get hypothermia?

No, it sometimes live in cold water.

What would you suffer from if in extremely cold weather?
