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Q: Can you get impetigo in pubic area?
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Can pubic lice bite you anywhere?

Yes, pubic lice can bite you anywhere, but they prefer the pubic area.

Are fordyce spots in the pubic area?

They can be, but are not exclusive to that area

Can you prevent impetigo?

YES! you can soak the affected area in vinegar and rosemary leaves!

What is a pubic area?

Pubic area is the front part of human body between the groins just above the genitals. In adult male and female it is covered by hair called the pubic hair. Pubic area is covered by inner wear and trousers.

How do you lose the weight in the pubic area?

no i does not. :)

What organs are in the pubic region?

The pubic area is also called the pubic triangle. It is the area, mainly the crotch, where thick coarser hair grows. During puberty, your sex hormones make the hair grow. It mainly begins at the base of the penis and the area above the vagina. The slang word for pubic hair is sometimes called pubes.

Can you have pubic hair on your breast?

No. You can have hair on your breasts, but pubic hair is in the pubic area of your body.

Why do pubic lice go on pubic hair?

The best guess for why pubic lice prefer pubic hair is that the hairs area spaced just right for the size of the insect.

Which abdominal surface encompasses the pubic area?

the hypogastric area

What is the hairy area in the pubic area called?

bunghole bubeloes

Why has the skin color around your pubic area changed color after giving birth?

C'mon ok? Who in the world will share about her pubic area after birth?

When was impetigo discovered?

when was Impetigo discovered