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It can be terroism, or it could be a prank. Nobody should fall if they try to escape or you "could" get in trouble if there are cameras.

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Q: Can you get in trouble by putting a stink bomb in a store?
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How do you get there to the stink bomb store?

You make it in the science lab.

Where to throw the stink bomb?

You throw the stink bomb in detention after chewing gum by getting the comic 4 the man @ the comic book store.

Who of the jets in the west side story threw a stink bomb into the pr store?


When was the stink bomb invented?

kenny gonzales invinted the stink bomb

What is better a stink bomb or a fart bomb?

Stink bombs Cos' they smell more.

How do you make a stink bomb in poptropica?

you put in blue first.Make sure you do not put in too much.Keep putting it in until you get to the table top.Then put red in.Then put the yellow in.If you have trouble,press close or fill it than put all colors in and wait until you see the arrows spin in a blue circle or keep trying until you get the stink bomb.mix a lot of blue and yellow until stink bomb comes on the screen good luck

What game do you make a stink bomb on?

You make a stink bomb on big nate island in poptropica.

How do you set of the stink bomb poptropica big nate?

You should mix blue and yellow and you get stink bomb

What do you do when you get all the comics from big nate island?

owl person you go to the man he will give you the cover then you'll get bubble gum you make a stink bomb then blow the bubble gum in the school you'll get in trouble then let the stink bomb go the teacher well live then ............................

About how long does the stink from a stink bomb last?

about 2 and a half hours

What to do with the stink bomb in big nate?

You chew the bubble gum the man gives you. After that you are in the detention room, then you use the stink bomb.

How do you set off a stink bomb on big Nate Island in poptropica?

you have to get detention with the bubblegum and then use the stink bomb in detention.