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you can get hit by a lightening bolt from god... but thats pretty much it

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Q: Can you get in trouble for drawing swastikas?
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Why does Sizzla Kalonji hate swastikas?

Because he thinks that people are drawing swastikas to be racist. He doesn't want to know it's people's polyomino shapes.

When was Windsor Swastikas created?

Windsor Swastikas was created in 1905.

When did Windsor Swastikas end?

Windsor Swastikas ended in 1916.

When was Fernie Swastikas created?

Fernie Swastikas was created in 1922.

When was Swastikas for Noddy created?

Swastikas for Noddy was created in 1988.

What should you do if there were people drawing swastikas in our school?

Talk to a teacher or counselor. If that doesn't help, talk to the police (if in Germany, it's a fellony there). If that won't fix it: organize );->

What is the color of swastikas?


Where were swastikas placed?

Swastikas were placed on every bit of Nazi paraphernalia. This was the symbol of their political party and has come to represent blind hate and violence.

What do you do if your friend draws swastikas?

ask them why they draw them, they might be drawing them because they like the shape of them and are completely oblivious to the past they hold... However it's most likely their answer will make you consider thinning out the amount you talk to them rather fast.

Was there a swastika on the Hindenburg?

Yes. The Hindenburg had swastikas on its vertical tail fins.I have a reprint of a picture of the Hindenburg with the Olympic rings and swastikas made from an original glass negative.

Did Nazi schools have a uniform?

Yes, they did have a uniform. It had swastikas on it.

What are some things you could draw?

It really depends on what type of drawing you do,I personally like manga. Try drawing animals, plants, people, ect. You can try to improve on something you may have trouble drawing. Be creative!