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Q: Can you get into smu with a 3.0 GPA and a 24 on the act?
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What is the act score to get a full scholarship for the university of Alabama?

It is at least a 30 and a 3.5 GPA.

What is the average ACT score needed to get into Depauw University?

50% of students admitted to Purdue University scored between a 24 and 30 on the ACT. 21% of admitted students scored between 18 and 23. No students were admitted with ACT scores less than 18.

GPA vs. act score?

A student with a 4.0 GPA and a mid-ranged ACT score such as a 25 suggests that he either struggled with the ACT, or is a really hard worker in order to acheive his grades. On the flipside, a student with a 2.0 GPA and a 30+ ACT suggests that the student doesn't apply himself in school. I don't know about you, but i take the 4.0 over any ACT score if the student doesn't apply himself. Colleges are starting to look at the GPA more and more at the GPA and class rank and less and less at the ACT. Plus, ACT scores don't have a strong correlation or a correlation at that between how high the ACT score is and how well they do in college. Bottom line is, if you believe and put the time into your studies in college, you will do just fine in college with a <25 ACT or a >30.

Can a 3.8 GPA a 2050 on the SAT and a 30 on the ACT get someone admitted into Boston College?

no, sit down son!

What are UCSB's 25th-75th percentile ACT scores?

UCSB's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT scores are 23-30 on the English section, 24-30 on the Math section, and 24-30 Composite.

What are IIT's 25th-75th percentile ACT scores?

IIT's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT scores are 24-30 on the English section, 25-30 on the Math section, and 24-30 Composite.

What is the act score requirement to get into Sewanee university?

There is no requirement. The average is a 25-30 (composite) and the average GPA is a 3.6. Hope this helps!

What are The University of Washington's 25th-75th percentile ACT scores?

The University of Washington's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT scores are 24-30 on the English section, 25-31 on the Math section, and 24-30 Composite.

What are Butler University's 25th-75th percentile ACT scores?

Butler University's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT scores are 24-31 on the English section, 24-30 on the Math section, and 25-30 Composite.

If you have a low GPA 2.8-3.0 but you have 30 act and 3 years of high-school you have taken all ap and honors classes will spelman accept you?

Spelman has a minimum GPA requirement of 2.0, so you probably have an ok chance of getting in. However, your ACT score is pretty good which may get you a little farther.

What are Baylor's 25th-75th percentile ACT English Scores?

Baylor's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT English Scores are 24-30, meaning 25% of students scored 24 or lower on the ACT English Score, and 75% of students scored 30 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 30 or higher).

What are IIT's 25th-75th percentile ACT Composite Scores?

IIT's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT Composite Scores are 24-30, meaning 25% of students scored 24 or lower on the ACT Composite Score, and 75% of students scored 30 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 30 or higher).