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Actually, there have been numerous studies done around the world, Finland, the US, etc., that have conclusively shown that for a large majority of men drinking Stout, porter, or other hops-heavy beers can help prevent calcium deposits from forming in your kidneys. Beer is high in oxalates, however, and your specific stone makeup may contra-indicate it's use for you. Beer and other Alcoholic Beverages also contain purines, which may increase the specific risk for the less common uric acid stones in susceptible people, although these are also dependent upon several other dietary factors and personal medical conditions. Some studies indicate that eating foods containing oxalates and calcium together may reduce the risk of stones. Most of the foods that contain oxalates are very important for good health.

It is NOT from any diuretic value from beer, simply because if you are drinking enough other liquids you will be passing urine frequently, and if not you are raising your risk levels for stone formation, and other beverages, such as coffee and tea, are better diuretics. Some research suggests a lower risk for stones with tea and both regular and decaffeinated coffees.

Most experts agree 10 glasses of liquid a day minimum, at least half of which should be water. If you have chronic stones, a gallon of liquid is your target.

To monitor whether you're taking in sufficient fluids, keep an eye on the color of urine. If it's dark yellow, you're not drinking enough. Urine should ideally be pale and light in color. Pee Pale is a motto heard at many a Stone Clinic. Fluid intake should produce at least two and a half quarts of urine each day.

Even one beer a day reduces the chance of stones by 40%, and 2 by over 60% and 3 beers taken in one hour intervals in the evening can reduce or eliminate the stones altogether. Some beer does contain stone-prompting oxalate's. Persons should always use moderation in their use of any drug like alcohol of course, and if you have trouble controlling your consumption you should seek other methods to reduce your kidney stone risk. Binge drinking increases uric acid production and thus, the risk of uric acid stones.

There are other factors that must also be considered such as weight and activity and protein and sodium intake, which can increase stone formation in some men and women. Women seem to benefit from beer and wine as well, although less so than their male counterparts. A lower risk for calcium stones is also associated with higher potassium intake.

Avoid ... Colas and Cranberry or Grapefruit juice. Cola reduces the level of citrate in urine and multiple studies have suggested that grapefruit juice raises kidney stone risk as does Cranberry, although if you also get infections limited cranberry juice use can help with that without presenting too great an additional risk of stones.

In one study, just one 8-ounce cup of grapefruit juice per day increased the risk for forming stones by 44%. Many soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, which increases the risk for stones. Some research shows that drinking one quart (less than three 12-ounce cans) of soda per week may increase a person's risk of developing stones by 15%.

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It's bad to drink alcohol with or without a kidney stone!

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How can you pass a kidney stone?

by drinking lots and lots of water and limiting salt intake. good luck

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Can drinking lots of water help your kidney stone?

Kidney stones are jagged crystals of calcium or uric acid which form in he kidney during times of low hydration ,Therefore yes, stay hydrated.A quick note, kidney stones may also be hereditary, meaning if someone in your family has had it , there is a good chance it may be present in your genes, so drink adequate amounts of water may not help.

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A kidney stone can cause damage to the kidney.

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you will die.

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kidney is very important part of human body. It throws out the waste materials from our body. You can ease stone pain at home by drinking mixture of olive oil & Lemon juice, eating pomegranate & watermelon, nettle leaf with hot water etc. These are some of the home treatment to reduce kidney stone pain.

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You obviously just peed out your kidney stone you have had in your kidney/ureters. It means you had a kidney stone

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You break apart a kidney stone with ultrasonic waves.

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