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I am an independent life insurance agent. We recently lost my best friends wife to cystic fibrosis. I have done much research and have found one company that will insure someone with cystic fibrosis. All of the information is on a website I have created.


Chris Duncan

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Q: Can you get life insurance for cystic fibrosis sufferes?
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How do you start a topic sentence if its about Cystic fibrosis?

What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is a life threatening disease.

Why does a person with cystic fibrosis feel pain?

Cystic fibrosis has no cure. However, treatments have greatly improved in recent years. Early treatment for cystic fibrosis can improve both quality of life and lifespan.

How do you improve your life when suffering from cystic fibrosis?

Go to a doctor

How long does cystic fibrosis last?

The person who has Cystic Fibrosis has it for life.

The treament for Cystic Fibrosis is?

Cystic fibrosis currently does not have any sort of cure. Treatment is mainly done to reduce symptoms and complications. Treatment options include antibiotics, mucus-thinning drugs, and oral pancreas enzymes.

What is the average life expectency of a person with cystic fibrosis?

The average life expectancy is about 30, but it varies.

What is the average cost to treat a person with Cystic Fibrosis throughout their life in the UK?


Is cystic fibrosis more common in boys or girls?

i copied the following answer from Unlike some other genetic conditions, cystic fibrosisoccurs equally as often in men and women. The genetic mutation for cystic fibrosis occurs on chromosome 7 and is not impacted by gender. The severity of symptoms related to cystic fibrosis, however, does vary in men and women. In particular, girls with cystic fibrosis have more difficulty with meeting growth milestones and experience more lung-related problems compared to boys. Due to these more severe symptoms, women with cystic fibrosis have shorter life expectancies than men. It is estimated that men with cystic fibrosis live four to five years longer than women with cystic fibrosis, Moreover, under the age of 20, girls have a 60 percent greater chance of dying due to cystic fibrosis complications compared to males [source: Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide]. As a result, the prevalence of male adults with cystic fibrosis is greater than the prevalence of female adults with cystic fibrosis, suggesting a male advantage with the disorder. Cystic fibrosis researchers argue that this gender difference is the result of early-onset lung infections in girls. Girls appear to develop these infections earlier in life than boys, leading to more severe cystic fibrosis complications, and even death. Girls also appear to have greater difficulty maintaining a healthy body weight after puberty compared to males, which places girls at greater risk for cystic fibrosis complications. It appears that this gender gap can narrow if girls are provided with more intensive medical care. In fact, girls and women who receive regular intravenous antibiotics, regardless of their condition, have improved survival rates [source: Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide]. As a result, countries with excellent health care, such as Scandinavian countries, do not have a difference in the survival rate of men and women with cystic fibrosis. i hope it helps:)

What is the ratio of people with Cystic Fibrosis?

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust's website:Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is one of the UK's most common life-threatening inherited diseases.Cystic Fibrosis affects over 9,000 people in the UK.Over two million people in the UK carry the faulty gene that causes Cystic Fibrosis - around 1 in 25 of the population.If two carriers have a child, the baby has a 1 in 4 chance of having Cystic Fibrosis.Cystic Fibrosis affects the internal organs, especially the lungs and digestive system, by clogging them with thick sticky mucus. This makes it hard to breathe and digest food.Each week, five babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis.

Is cystic fibrosis common?

Cystic fibrosis is the most common life threatening disease in the UKOne in 25 people have the cystic fibrosis gene in them (but may not have the disease). Most people aren't even aware that they carry the gene. If two people who have the gene reproduce, the odds that they have a child with cystic fibrosis is 1 in 4. The chance that they will have a child who carries the gene but doesn't have the disease is 2 in 4 (half). The chance that they have a child who does not have the disease or carry the gene is 1 in 4.

What is survival rate for Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis is a life threatening genetic disorder. More children are living into adulthood with better treatment options. The death rate is 100 percent, when the lungs and pancreas quit functioning.

How old is a child with cystic fibrosis?

Most people who have this disease die around 35 .