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Q: Can you get pregnant 18 days after day 1 of cycle?
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Which is the most possible time of pregnant after or before few days of menstrual period?

The most possible time to get pregnant is between day 11 and 18 of your menstrual cycle.

If you just re-started your birth control patch and had intercourse the next couple days and then didn't wash the sperm out for a day or two can you be preganent?

Possible. Depends on where you are in your cycle. If you in days 14-18 of a 28 day cycle you could be pregnant.

If you make love everyday can you become pregnant?

Probably. At some point you should hit a fertile time in your cycle. Actually, you don't need to have sex everyday. Sperm stay alive in the uterus 5 or 6 days and if you keep a calendar of your cycle you can figure out your fertile days. If you have a 28 day cycle day 14-18 should be the time you can get pregnant.

Can a women get pregnant four weeks after period starts?

Four weeks would be near to the next cycle. Considering that the average woman has a 28 day cycle ( give or take a few days) this means on or about day 14 she would ovulate. In that time frame of day 12-18 she could get pregnant since sperm can live in the uterus for 5-6 days.

What is the menstrual cycle for pigs?

18 to 21 days and conception occurs on 3rd day of cycle

If your periods dont always come every month can you still get pregnant?

A woman may potentially get pregnant at anytime during her menstrual cycle. The likelihood of getting impregnated increases around day 14 which is ovulation day if the period is regular. Advice given to those who wish to avoid getting pregnant is as follows - use contraception and/or avoid intercourse between days 10 and 20 (especially day 14) of the menstrual cycle to decrease the chances of getting pregnant.

You are on a 25 day cycle most of the time a 28 day cycle rarely can you still get pregnant?

Yes you can get pregnant A menstrual cycle is the time from when your periods start to when your periods start again, the timing can differ somewhat and the period can be longer or shorter, however that does not significantly change what the menstrual cycle is about. the menstrual cycle is about preparing you for getting pregnant. Cycle Length in Days following is a table that shows the probable date of ovulation after the first day of bleedingProbable Ovulation Day of your CycleLength of cycle 25 ovulation day in days after the first day of bleeding 11---------- 26--------------------------------------------------------------------12-----------27--------------------------------------------------------------------13---------- 28--------------------------------------------------------------------14-----------29--------------------------------------------------------------------15---------- 30--------------------------------------------------------------------16---------- 31--------------------------------------------------------------------17---------- 32--------------------------------------------------------------------18---------- 33--------------------------------------------------------------------19---------- 34--------------------------------------------------------------------20---------- 35--------------------------------------------------------------------21Remember that there is a period of several days before around 5 day and after around 3 days after ovulation that you can get pregnant. if you have irregular periods you should take extra care. Go to the related link below (the Menstrual Cycle) for more information on this subject.

When do I ovualte?

That depends on your body. Most women have a 28 day cycle which means ovulation happens about day 14 of the cycle. You remain fertile until about day 18 which means if you have sex you could get pregnant. You also need to be aware that sperm lives 4-5 days in the uterus so if you had sex on day 11 and ovulated on day 14 you could get pregnant. Keep a calendar to figure out your cycle. The first day of your period is day one.

When is the most likely time for a girl to get pregnant?

A normal cycle is 28 days so the best time to get pregnant is from day 14 to 18 of the cycle. This is when ovulation takes place and if sex happens within this time the chances are high. Sperm lives in the uterus for 5-6 days so that means if sex happens on day 11 sperm will be present in the uterus when ovulation takes place.

When is the most possible time to get pregnant?

During ovulatory phase which is between day 10-18 of menstrual cycle

How many days before your cycle can you become pregnant?

Have a look at the chart below in the link (the Menstrual cycle) and you should be able to work it out.

What are the chances of getting pregnant 2 days after your period Were are trying to consive I just started my period today I'm like 3-4 days early and I did have sex 4 days ago can I still get prego?

Your cycle is probably 28 days long ( give or take a few days) and in a cycle there is one week where you ovulate. This happens about day 14 in the cycle and will last to about day 18. If you have sex in this time the chances of becoming pregnant is very likely. The reason you have a period is that your body is getting rid of the lining of the uterus because there was no pregnancy, so generally, no, you can't get pregnant 2 days after a period since the needed factors aren't there for an egg. If you wish to know your fertile days use a calendar to count the days of your period. Day 1 is the first day you started your period and keep counting. It is also good to know that sperm will live in the uterus for 5-6 days, so if you had sex on day 12 you could get pregnant since the sperm would be there when you ovulate.