

Can you get pregnant 8 days after your period is over?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes u can!!! In fact the closer you are to the mid-point between your periods the more fertile you are, but you can get pregnant the day after you period.

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Q: Can you get pregnant 8 days after your period is over?
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Yup. If you have sex during a period (which is nasty) sperm can live in your body for 8 days. So after your period is over, the sperm may still be alive and able to reach its destination. But if youre saying that you've previously had sex, and now experiencing a period, then I don't think you would be pregnant.

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Yes you can still be pregnant.

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Could you have implantation bleeding 8 days before your regular period?

Yes! I did, and it was heavy like a period, lasted 5 days and I had cramping! Only difference was it was slightly pinkish, not blood red. By the way, I'm pregnant!!!!!