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Yes, but the chance is slim. Generally woman have 28 day cycles, which means they ovulate around day 14 of their cycle (day one being the first day of your period)

However, some women (me included) can have short cycles, where they ovulate earlier than usual, then get their next period earlier. since no one can be certain (without ovulation kits) when they ovulate then it is possible to ovulate on day 9 and have a short period. hope that helps.

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Q: Can you get pregnant 9 days after the start of your period?
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Can you get pregnant before 9 days of periods?

Yes. The only safe time really is the first days of your period. You can start ovulating again after you've had a period.

Can i get pregnant 9 days after my period?


Could you get pregnant 9 days after your period finished?

Yes you can

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

Can you get pregnant 9 days after a period my vycle is 28 days?

Yeah, you can get pregnant at anytime, sperm lives inside you for a few days.

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Can women get pregnant 9 or 6 days before her period starts?


Why might your period be 9 days late?

There are a few reasons why a person may have a period that is 9 days late. The person may be pregnant or it could be stress related.

She had a miscarriage of 9 week after 14 days she had blood spots it stop for a while so she had intercourse then she had spots again for 2 days.. is that period.. can she get pregnant by that?

she is most likely just spotting and is gonna start her period in a couple of days... sorry for your loss.

Can a woman get her normal period 8 or 9 days after conception?

If a woman gets her period it is unlikely that she is pregnant

Period came 9 days early and its never been early can you be pregnant?

Not necessarily

Is it possible to ovulate 9 days after the first day of your period and get pregnant?

Yes. Most women ovulate 14 days after their period, but that is MOST NOT ALL. If you think you ovulated 9 days after your period (Which is possible for some women) and you had intercourse (sex) then, yes it is possible.