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You can pregnant at anytime before after or during

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Q: Can you get pregnant a week after your periods?
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What are the periods when you can get pregnant?

The first week after, and the last week before a woman's period.

What are the chances of getting pregnant 2 days from starting your period?

a woman can get pregnant before one or two days of her periods --- A woman has a lesser chance of falling pregnant with in the first week after her period. After the first week she is at high chance of falling pregnant, especially within the last week before her period. ----

Can you have all the symptoms one week before your periods and then all disappear near time to periods what are the chances of still being pregnant?

chances are about 1 in 18.

Can you be pregnant if your period was a week late it was heavy for a week then 3 days of spotting and next month you havent gotten your period?

Yes, you can. As a matter of fact some woman have periods throughout their pregnancy. That is why people have babies without knowing they were pregnant. Either they continue to have periods or think they are beginning menopause.

You had intercourse on 21st day after your last periods my periods were regular Is there any chance that you will get pregnant?

YES 1 week before....during....1 week after is the "safe Time) called the rythem method or the middle fortnight in your period cycle.

Follicle is not ruptured but periods are regular can you get pregnant?

One can always GET pregnant. You are probably not currently pregnant if you have regular periods.

Could you be pregnant If your period was a week early and short and youre not using any form of birth control?

Most likely no you are not pregnant. It was just short and light. Some periods are that way.

Will you get your periods when you are pregnant?


Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

Do pregnant rabbits have periods?

rabbits don't have periods.

If you have irregular periods and for like the past week and a half you have had really sensitive nipples and slight cramps and gassy could you be pregnant?

No. If you have your period, then you aren't pregnant. All of those are symptoms of a woman's period.

You just had your implanon taking fast can you get pregnant if you had no periods during the three months you had it in and started bleeding lightly a week after you took it out?

You can get pregnant immediately after removal of the implant. Use another method if you don't want to be pregnant now.