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Most likely will you develop a infection when the placenta decompose before you get a chance to get pregnant and that alone can cause a miscarriage. See a doctor ASAP. After a miscarriage you will often need a D&C to clean out the uterus. The miscarriage is not over until everything is out.

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13y ago

When having a miscarriage you have to see a doctor. many women need a D&C, scraping of the uterus, so everything comes out. Often it will not come out on it´s own.

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Placental stage 3rd stage

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Q: In the process of childbirth when is the placenta expelled from the uterus?
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What is the the other name for placenta?

The placenta is some times called the 'after birth' as it is expelled from the uterus after the baby is born.

What leave the mothers body during the stage of childbirth call afterbirth?

you deside baby , the cervix the placenta or the uterus

When the uterus returns to its normal size is it the a luteal phase b menarche c puerperium c ovulation?

The process of the uterus returning to its normal size after childbirth is called puerperium. During this time, the uterus gradually contracts and sheds the excess tissue that was needed to support the pregnancy. This process typically takes about 6 weeks after delivery.

How is baby?

The baby is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta, and the placenta is connected to the uterus. The placenta and umbilical cord are temporary organs that are expelled when the baby is born.

What happens after placenta is expelled from a woman's body?

After the placenta is expelled from the body, the uterus immediately begins to shrink down to it's pre-pregnancy size. The nurse will feel for the fundus, or top, or the uterus and measure how far it goes down quite often. The uterus should be rather hard as it is contracting to normal size, but it may become soft, or boggy, and the nurse will massage the uterus until it becomes firm. The placenta will be stored in the hospital lab for about 2 weeks unless there are no complications and the parents request to take it home with them, for whatever reason.

What is the role of the uterus in the development of the fetus and the placenta?

The uterus is where the fetus develops and the placenta connects the uterus to the fetus.

What part of the uterus does the placenta attached to?

The placenta will be attached to the uterus, but it is not part of it. The uterus is a muscle and is part of basic female human anatomy. The placenta is an organ which is formed after conception.

Which side is your placenta located?

The placenta can be located anywhere in the uterus.

What is a placenta where is it and what is used for?

The placenta grows inside the uterus of a pregnant mother during growth of the unborn fetus. The placenta allows nutrients, wastes, oxygen, carbon dioxide, fluids, hormones, and other substances to pass between the host (pregnant mother) and the fetus without letting their blood streams co-mingle. The placenta is expelled as part of the birthing process, and is commonly called the afterbirth. Follow the Related Link below to view a Wikipedia article on this subject.

Why would a placenta not separate entirely?

sometimes a placenta can have abnormal growth and attachment to the uterus (the growth can penetrate deeply into the muscle of the uterus) and this can cause the placenta to stay attached. This is not the norm. Usually a placenta is superficially attached to the muscle of the uterus and easily detaches after a baby is born

What is placenta in female body?

The placenta is an organ that is inside the uterus in the female body. The uterus maintains the fetus through the umbilical cord. Some parents choose to eat the placenta after birth.

What is posterior grade 2 high lying placenta?

Posterior placenta is when the placenta is located at the back of the motherÃ?s uterus. Placenta praevia means the placenta has not moved up towards the top of the uterus to get ready for birth. Grade 2 means the placenta is near the cervix but not blocking it.