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Yes it can happen especial if you happen to be taking other drugs at the same time. Anti biotic for example.

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Q: Can you get pregnant if you have taken birth control for over two years?
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If you have been on birth control for years and then change can you get pregnant?

Yes, because your off birth control...

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I am sixteen years old is it goig to be had for me to get pregnant?

If you have had a period, then you can get pregnant. Use protection and get on birth-control. If you are in the states, you can go to Planned Parenthood or your local health department and get condoms and birth control.

Can a women become pregnant 6 years after having a tubal and with the help of birth control pills?

A tubal ligation is a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy. Birth control pills prevent, but don't help, a woman to get pregnant. Combining tubal ligation and birth control pills is not an effective way to get pregnant.

It is easy to become pregnant if you have been on birth control for several years?

If you are using your birth control as directed, there should be a very small chance of getting pregnant. I'm not sure if the length of time you've been on birth control matters, but if you are inconsistent when it comes to taking/using it, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases at least a little. It really depends on your form of birth control.

Could birth control make it hard to get pregnant?

Of course, if you are trying to get pregnant DO NOT BE ON BIRTH CONTROL!!! Now make sure the person you want to the father to be is there for you and will be there for you every step of the way, my daughter just had a baby and the babys father is no where to be found

Can you get pregnant if the Mirena is out of date?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you have had Mirena in for more than five years. Use an alternate method of birth control.

Im on birth control im 14 years old and your period is 4 days late?

your pregnant

Can you be pregnant if you used the morning after pill and the withdraw method?

Yes. You have been unprotected during intercourse and the MAP is not 100% sure. Pulling out is not a birth control method. 25% get pregnant and you will be too within 2 years of that is what you use as protection. There is sperm in pre ejaculate too and that can get you pregnant. Get on birth control.

What is chances of being pregnant after being on pill for 3 years and then stop and you have irregular periods?

Once you stop taking the birth control pills you are able to become pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if on birth control for 2 years?

Yes BCP are only active in your body for a short time, this is why they are taken daily. After being on them for years some women begin ovulating within a couple weeks, others may take a few months but rarely do women have any trouble caused by the Pill.

How long will it take for you to get pregnant if you were on birth control pills for 3 years and recently stopped taking them?

It only took me three months and I had been on the pill for 4 years.